REW Overview

When REW is started it looks like this:

REW Initial Window

The main window is blank until we either make a measurement or load some existing measurements. The SPL Meter, Signal Generator, Scope and Level Meters can be used without loading any measurements,
SPL Meter, Signal Generator and Level Meters
as can the RTA window, EQ window and the Room Simulator,
RTA, EQ and Room Simulator Buttons

After making or loading some measurements the main window looks like this:

REW with measurements loaded

The measurements appear in panels on the left. The currently selected measurement has a white background, the others are dimmed. Some have tinted backgrounds to distinguish different types of measurement. On the right is the graph area for the current measurement.

Right clicking on a measurement brings up a menu of actions and displays additional information about the measurement, including any notes made.

Measurement Panel right click menu

All the toolbar buttons are now enabled. They are in 3 groups, firstly the buttons related to measurements:
Measurement Buttons
These buttons allow a new measurement to be made, existing measurement files to be opened, all the current measurements to be saved in a single measurement (.mdat) file, all the current measurements to be removed, and an Info panel to be opened that shows additional information about the current measurement.

The next group has the various tools
Tool Buttons
The IR Windows button opens a window that allows the type and extent of the Impulse Response windows for the current measurement to be changed. Next to that are the SPL Meter, Signal Generator, Scope and Level Meters buttons. Then there is a button to open the Overlays graph window, which allows any or all of the loaded measurements to be plotted on the same graph. The last three buttons are for the RTA window, the EQ window (which is used to study the effects of EQ on the current measurement) and the Room Simulator.

The final toolbar button brings up the Preferences panel
Preferences Button

In the graph area there is a button to capture the current graph as an image
Capture Button
a selector strip to pick the graph type

Graph Selector

and buttons to turn scrollbars for the graph area on/off, toggle the frequency axis between log and linear, set the graph limits and show the graph controls menu.
Graph Buttons

Below the graph is a legend area that shows the trace values at the cursor position
Graph Legend
If smoothing has been applied the octave fraction (1/48 in the image above) appears between the trace name and its value. Right clicking in the legend area brings up a menu of options to help manage trace selections.

The first step in getting REW running is to set up the audio input and output and calibrate the soundcard.

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