Previous Versions

OS Downloads
V5.31.2 Windows 64-bit installer (51.2 MB, includes private 64-bit Java 8 runtime)
V5.31.2 Windows 32-bit installer (51.2 MB, includes private 32-bit Java 8 runtime)
V5.31.1 Windows 64-bit installer (54.9 MB, includes private 64-bit Java 8 runtime)
V5.31.1 Windows 32-bit installer (54.8 MB, includes private 32-bit Java 8 runtime)
V5.31 Windows 64-bit installer (54.9 MB, includes private 64-bit Java 8 runtime)
V5.31 Windows 32-bit installer (54.8 MB, includes private 32-bit Java 8 runtime)
V5.30.9 Windows 64-bit installer (54.6 MB, includes private 64-bit Java 8 runtime)
V5.30.9 Windows 32-bit installer (54.5 MB, includes private 32-bit Java 8 runtime)
V5.20.13 Windows 64-bit installer (42.9 MB, includes private 64-bit Java 8 runtime)
V5.20.13 Windows 32-bit installer (43.3 MB, includes private 32-bit Java 8 runtime)
V5.19 Windows installer with JRE (32.8 MB, includes private Java 8 runtime)
V5.19 Windows 64-bit installer (16.5 MB, requires separate 64-bit Java 8 installation)
V5.19 Windows 32-bit installer (16.4 MB, requires separate 32-bit Java 8 installation)
V5.19 Windows installer with JRE allowing multiple instances (32.8 MB)
V5.18 Windows installer with JRE (30.5 MB, includes private Java 8 runtime)
V5.18 Windows installer (15.1 MB, requires separate 32-bit Java 7 or 8 installation)
V5.18 Windows installer with JRE allowing multiple instances (30.3 MB)
V5.17 Windows installer with JRE (30.3 MB, includes private Java 8 runtime)
V5.17 Windows installer (15.0 MB, requires separate 32-bit Java 7 or 8 installation)
V5.17 Windows installer with JRE allowing multiple instances (30.3 MB)
V5.16 Windows installer (14.5 MB, requires separate 32-bit Java 7 or 8 installation)
V5.16 Windows installer with JRE (30.7 MB, includes private Java 8 runtime)
V5.16 Windows installer with JRE allowing multiple instances (30.7 MB)
V5.15 Windows installer (14.5 MB, requires 32-bit Java 7 or 8)
V5.15 Windows installer with JRE (30.7 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.15 Windows installer with JRE allowing multiple instances (30.7 MB)
V5.14 Windows installer (13.0 MB, requires 32-bit Java 7 or 8)
V5.14 Windows installer with JRE (29.2 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.13 Windows installer (11.6 MB, requires 32-bit Java 7 or 8)
V5.13 Windows installer with JRE (27.8 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.12 Windows installer (11.5 MB, requires 32-bit Java 7 or 8)
V5.12 Windows installer with JRE (27.7 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.11 Windows installer (11.4 MB, requires 32-bit Java 7 or 8)
V5.11 Windows installer with JRE (27.6 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.10 Windows installer (10.9 MB, requires Java 7 or 8)
V5.0 Windows installer (8.9 MB, requires Java 5 or later)
V4.11 Windows installer (4.3 MB, requires Java 5 or later)
10.15 - 14
V5.31.2 macOS DMG (61.1 MB, includes private Java 8 runtime)
V5.31.1 macOS DMG (61.9 MB, includes private Java 8 runtime)
V5.31 macOS DMG (61.9 MB, includes private Java 8 runtime)
V5.30.9 macOS DMG (61.6 MB, includes private Java 8 runtime)
10.11 - 14
V5.20.13 macOS DMG (51.3 MB, includes private Java 8 runtime)
10.7 - 10.13
Accessibility tools such as BetterTouchTool, Moom, Magnet Window Manager and QuicKeys are not compatibile with the installers below, disable them temporarily while installing REW.
V5.19 macOS DMG (35.3 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.18 OS X DMG (31.7 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.17 OS X DMG (31.6 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.16 OS X DMG (31.6 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.15 OS X DMG (31.6 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.14 OS X DMG (31.3 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.13 OS X DMG (30.0 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.12 OS X DMG (29.9 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.11 OS X DMG (29.8 MB, includes private Java 8 JRE)
V5.10 OS X zipped app bundle (40.0 MB, includes private JRE)
10.4 - 10.6
V5.01 beta 20 OS X zipped app bundle (9.8 MB, requires Apple Java 5 or 6)
V5.0 OS X zipped app bundle (8.0 MB, requires Apple Java 5 or 6)
V4.11 OS X zipped app bundle (4.3 MB, requires Apple Java 5 or 6)
Linux V5.31.2 Linux AMD64 installer (50.2 MB, includes private Java 8 AMD64 runtime)
V5.31.2 Linux installer (30.3 MB, requires a Java 8 runtime)
V5.31.1 Linux AMD64 installer (53.9 MB, includes private Java 8 AMD64 runtime)
V5.31.1 Linux installer (34.0 MB, requires a Java 8 runtime)
V5.31 Linux AMD64 installer (53.9 MB, includes private Java 8 AMD64 runtime)
V5.31 Linux installer (34.0 MB, requires a Java 8 runtime)
V5.30.9 Linux AMD64 installer (53.5 MB, includes private Java 8 AMD64 runtime)
V5.30.9 Linux installer (33.6 MB, requires a Java 8 runtime)
V5.20.13 Linux AMD64 installer (42.7 MB, includes private Java 8 AMD64 runtime)
V5.20.13 Linux installer (22.4 MB, requires a Java 8 runtime)
V5.19 Linux installer (15.6 MB, requires Java 8)
V5.18 Linux installer (12.9 MB, requires Java 7 or 8)
V5.17 Linux installer (12.8 MB, requires Java 7 or 8)
V5.16 Linux installer (12.4 MB, requires Java 7 or 8)
V5.15 Linux installer (12.4 MB, requires Java 7 or 8)
V5.14 Linux installer (12.1 MB, requires Java 7 or 8)
V5.13 Linux installer (10.8 MB, requires Java 7 or 8)
V5.12 Linux installer (10.7 MB, requires Java 7 or 8)
V5.11 Linux installer (10.6 MB, requires Java 7 or 8)
V5.10 zipped jar files (9.6 MB, requires Java 7 or 8)
V5.0 zipped jar files (7.3 MB, requires Java 5 or later)
V4.11 zipped jar files (4.2 MB, requires Java 5 or later)

Revision History

V5.31.3 25th July 2024
  • Fixed: RTA stepped sine could have index out of bounds exception
  • Fixed: Class cast exception could occur when filters changed
V5.31.2 13th July 2024
  • Added: Audison/Hertz equaliser entries
  • Fixed: CamillaDSP yaml output format
  • Fixed: The GUI could remain locked if a target match was attempted over a range that was too narrow
  • Fixed: Crossover frequency figure shown in notes of measurements generated from room sim responses could be incorrect
V5.31.1 25th April 2024
  • Added: RT60 export includes full bandwidth (unfiltered) results
  • Fixed: Scope channel setting dialog was blank after exporting data
  • Fixed: Disabled filters were included in Kali Santa Monica export files
  • Fixed: Some WAV files could not be opened
V5.31 23rd March 2024
  • Added: All SPL graph actions has an IACC button to calculate Inter-Aural Cross Correlation coefficients
  • Added: The Preferences menu has an entry to load preferences from a file, which requires a restart
  • Added: The tone burst signal can continue at a defined "off" level (which is a percentage of the burst level) between bursts if the period is in cycles
  • Added: Match target has options to use shelf filters to help bring the response to the target
  • Added: The predicted SPL overlay graph has an action to apply the equaliser and filter settings from one measurement to all other selected measurements
  • Added: The Clarity overlay graph has options to show the average and actions to export the average or all ISO3382 data for the selected measurements
  • Added: The ISO3382 parameter average export includes the minimum and maximum values at each frequency
  • Added: The IR windows dialog shows a warning message in an FDW is applied but the window reference time is not at the IR peak
  • Added: The measurement panel right click menu has an entry to show the individual measurement actions panel
  • Added: Export measurement as text has an option to omit phase
  • Added: API endpoints to access the IR window settings for each measurement
  • Added: Support for Kali Audio Santa Monica equaliser
  • Changed: Clarity calculation uses zero phase filters
  • Changed: When importing multi-channel impulse response WAV files preserve their relative alignment even if the import mode is "For imports set t=0 at impulse peak"
  • Changed: Added a dotted trace to the alignment tool showing a magnitude-only summation of the measurements
  • Changed: When the alignment tool is opened the All SPL selections change to show only the traces being aligned. Other traces may be selected in the graph legend if desired. The original trace selections are restored when the alignment tool is closed.
  • Changed: Better generator fade-in/out
  • Changed: Updated CEA-2010 distortion limits to align with ANSI/CTA-2010-B R-2020
  • Changed: Using "Generate minimum phase" on a measurement imported from a text file which included phase will generate an IR for the measurement using the original phase data
  • Changed: Improved RTA fundamental lobe tracking for noisy fundamentals when not using the AES17-2015 standard notch
  • Changed: When importing multiple files sort the list by filename
  • Changed: Revised Actions panel layouts to reduce width
  • Changed: Maximum measurements increased to 300
  • Changed: Allow IEC263 formatting of distortion graphs if the Y axis is SPL, dBFS or dBr
  • Changed: Allow IEC263 formatting of the decay graph
  • Changed: Keep audio capture running during repeated and sequential measurements rather than stopping and restarting it
  • Changed: Inversion arithmetic operations have a maximum gain setting instead of a regularisation figure
  • Changed: Invert phase does not need a regularisation figure
  • Changed: Improved regularisation/gain limiting and Exclude notches behaviour for inversions
  • Changed: The minimum phase copy of a measurement keeps the window types and widths of the source measurement
  • Changed: IMD and TD+N calculations tolerate clock rate differences up to 200 ppm
  • Changed: Show clock rate difference for sine tones when not FFT locked using detected peak frequency
  • Changed: Show a warning if "Get fundamental from generator" is being used but there is a clock rate difference
  • Fixed: Image capture options were missing "Include timestamp"
  • Fixed: Fade in for two tone and three tone signals did not work properly
  • Fixed: When FDW unit preference changes update the IR windows dialog FDW spinners and the IR accordingly
  • Fixed: After a target match finished all filters were set to Auto
  • Fixed: Excessive filter use in match target when individual boost filters were allowed
  • Fixed: API could respond OK to a measurement deletion if one was already in progress
  • Fixed: Division with regularisation did not work properly when one of the measurements did not have an IR
  • Fixed: Inversion used the unsmoothed response
  • Fixed: Inversion exclude notches option did not work well
  • Fixed: Stepped level THD measurements could be misinterpreted as stepped frequency
  • Fixed: Exporting a log spaced measurement as text could have zero as the final SPL value
  • Fixed: The notes for a measurement made with filters had an extra "Hz" after each frequency
  • Fixed: When using RME interfaces on macOS starting audio capture would fail if the generator was already running
  • Fixed: Capturing a graph image would fail if the comment was selected to be on the image
  • Fixed: Division with regularisation could produce an empty result
  • Fixed: Automatically reset output channel mapping for stereo devices
V5.30.9 17th February 2024
  • Added: Divide and inversion trace arithmetic operations for measurements without impulse responses now allow frequency limits
  • Added: The Phase and Impulse overlays graph actions have an Offset t=0 button for a selected measurement
  • Added: Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+E runs Estimate IR delay for the currently selected measurement
  • Added: A range of traces may be selected by holding the shift key while clicking the legend selection box for the start of the range then clicking the box for the end of the range
  • Added: Multi-input sweep measurements have an option to "Preserve relative timing", on by default, which keeps the relative timing of individual inputs even when not measuring with a timing reference
  • Changed: Room curve LF rise slope and HF fall slope allow up to 24 dB/octave
  • Changed: When importing WAV impulse responses encoded as float treat the values as directly encoding SPL if the peak is more than 10 (ordinarily WAV file values have magnitudes less than 1)
  • Changed: Allow clock corrections up to 1500 ppm to be applied, with a warning
  • Changed: When plotting harmonics at the harmonic frequency make sure the start of each harmonic trace reflects the data start scaled by the harmonic order
  • Fixed: NPE for A*B conjugate if measurement A did not have an impulse response
  • Fixed: The |A| / |B| trace arithmetic operation frequency limits were ignored if both measurements did not have impulse responses
  • Fixed: Use the sub cal signal for check levels when the output is the LFE channel regardless of the sweep end frequency
  • Fixed: Use a 10 dB lower level for check levels if the LFE -10dB option has been selected and the output is the LFE channel
  • Fixed: FBQ2496 MIDI fine frequency setting was incorrect
  • Fixed: Impedance measurements could be incorrect if the SPL measurement timing reference was set to loopback as calibration and timing reference
  • Fixed: WASAPI Exclusive device names that used Cyrillic text were rendered incorrectly
  • Fixed: LAeq figure in the SPL logger could be infinite if not using rolling Leq
V5.30.8 4th February 2024
  • Fixed: SPL meter rolling Leq figure was incorrect
V5.30.7 3rd February 2024
  • Fixed: Bogus color space error when saving a graph image as JPEG with 5.30.6
V5.30.6 3rd February 2024
  • Added: Action to Change cal for all selected measurements
  • Added: Equaliser entries for miniDSP Flex and Flex with Dirac Live
  • Added: Graph capture dialog has a selector for the colour scheme of the captured image
  • Added: Graph capture dialog has an option to add a logo image
  • Added: The measurement panel thumbnail right click menu has a "Swap with first" entry to swap it with the first measurement
  • Changed: Replaced the "Browse..." and "Clear" button labels by icons
  • Changed: The oldest supported macOS version is now 10.15 as Java runtimes are no longer built for older macOS versions
  • Fixed: Graph capture of graphs using a fixed aspect ratio did not work properly
  • Fixed: Group delay traces were not automatically generated when selecting the group delay overlay graph
V5.30.5 20th January 2024
  • Fixed: Null pointer exception could occur when sorting the modal resonance table
  • Fixed: Applying a cal file could cause phase to be outside -180..180 degrees in some circumstances
V5.30.4 13th January 2024
  • Added: Audiotec Fischer Full EQ (30 bands), Half EQ (15 bands), Input EQ (7 bands) and EQ with TC (27 bands) equaliser entries
  • Fixed: Linkwitz Transform Fc2 was reset to 30 Hz when running match to target
V5.30.3 6th January 2024
  • Fixed: Estimate IR delay would fail with an exception for an IR with a single non-zero sample at the beginning of the IR
  • Fixed: Signal generator was updating its preview repeatedly
V5.30.2 31st December 2023
  • Fixed: Null pointer exception could occur when generating a decay plot
  • Fixed: The room simulator Crossover filter check box was not working properly
V5.30.1 27th December 2023
  • Added: The stepped sine dialog has a Settling time control for each test type to accommodate components in the measurement chain which require additional time to settle after the stimulus changes
  • Fixed: Distortion graphs and values were incorrect when using "Plot harmonics at harmonic frequency" with the graph axis set to dBr or percent
  • Fixed: Overlay graph legend measurement labels did not update to show 1/48 when measurements changed from unsmoothed to 1/48 smoothing
  • Fixed: Clicking the "From REW" button in Impedance measurement mode changed the fields displayed
V5.30 16th December 2023
  • Too many changes to list here, see New in V5.30
  • Note that actions that were in the Graph controls panels have moved to a separate Actions panel, accessed via the Actions button next to the Controls button
V5.20.13 26th September 2022
  • Bug fix: Saving a loaded set of measurements with some new measurements could cause an exception
V5.20.12 24th September 2022
  • Pro upgrade: RTA input level calibrate button allows calibration of the full scale input voltage for any or all of the current input channels
  • Added a frequency meter to the Tools menu
  • Added a timing reference option that uses the loopback for both timing and to compensate for the measurement system loopback frequency response
  • Added a settings button for mic cal data entries in the Cal files preferences with fields to directly enter the SPL scaling or full scale sine Vrms for each input
  • Added a Virtual balanced input option, which subtracts a second input from the measurement input and scales the result by 0.5. This simulates the behaviour of a balanced input, and is appropriate if the balanced input is driven by an inverted signal (such as by selecting the Invert second output option on the signal generator.
  • Added Multitone TD+N to the stepped sine test options, the test uses the multitone signal configured on the REW signal generator
  • When a multitone RTA measurement is saved the Distortion graph shows the fundamental, noise floor (if available) and TD+N results vs frequency
  • Multitone TD+N figures are now available using any window type, but a Rectangular window is required for precise results (and the same clock source for signal generation and capture)
  • When a multitone is being measured with a Rectangular window (required for precise results) the RTA can check for any clock rate error in the captured data, if that option is selected in the Distortion settings
  • The RTA THD+N, N and N+D figures are no longer affected by coherent averaging and remain correct based on magnitude (rms) averaging, coherent averaging only affects the THD and harmonic level figures
  • Added an option to restart RTA capture if the signal generator is started or is running and its settings are changed while using the RTA
  • Added an optional regularisation factor to use during trace arithmetic division or inversion and optional frequency limits to apply to the operation
  • Added a target level to use with the trace arithmetic inversion operation, with an option to set the level automatically based on the average level of the measurement
  • Added an option to exclude parts of the response that look like notches from the trace arithmetic inversion operation
  • The levels of the results of 1/A and 1/B trace arithmetic operations are adjusted so that the level of the response being inverted is retained when multiplied by the inverse
  • If trace arithmetic is carried out on one measurement with an impulse response and one without the result will have an impulse response. This could be used to apply a target response adjustment to an IR.
  • Added an A*B conjugate trace arithmetic operation (cross-correlation)
  • Added a new measurement action on the All SPL graph to merge a measurement's cal files into its impulse response, producing a new measurement without cal files
  • Set the IR windows to cover the full span of the result of a trace arithmetic division operation
  • Added phase to the room simulator response exports
  • Added an option to band limit the sample values produced by the square wave generator
  • Added a sawtooth signal to the generator
  • Prevented IR delay estimation from producing results that place the response peak before t = 0 (could occur if a later part of the response correlated better with the minimum phase response)
  • Added a Ctrl+Alt+P shortcut to move the IR peak to 20% of the way across the Impulse graph as a quick way to locate the peak when zoomed in
  • Added a View preference to show the dB/decade aspect ratio of frequency response graphs in the bottom right corner when the cursor is over the graph
  • Added View preferences to apply a selected aspect ratio when a frequency span preset button is pressed
  • Added a View preference to use thicker traces when highlighting
  • When a trace is highlighted show its name at the bottom of the graph
  • Added an analysis preference to ensure t=0 is at a sample instant on any t=0 change
  • Allow negative slopes in the EQ room curve target settings
  • Added V/sqrt(Hz) Y axis unit options to the SPL & Phase and Overlay SPL graphs to allow viewing of amplitude spectral density results for captured RTA measurements. Amplitude spectral density is only available for RTA measurements.
  • Added an extra digit to displayed voltage values
  • Moved the protection settings to the left side of the Measure dialog
  • Added a soundcard preference to treat 32-bit sample formats as carrying 24-bit data
  • Allow a broader range for the speed of sound setting to accommodate media other than air
  • REW retains the last 7 days of measurements in a temp folder, deleting any older than 7 days on startup. If REW did not shut down normally it will offer to load any measurements that were made since it last started up.
  • Added check boxes in the FlexASIO control panel for exclusive mode when using WASAPI
  • Added an export menu entry and Filter tasks action to save EQ filter settings as a formatted text file with a header and using the Export text delimiter to separate fields
  • Added a button on the EQ filters panel to copy the filter settings to the clipboard in a text format that can be pasted into a spreadsheet
  • Allow noise floor to be exported when exporting sweep measurement distortion data as text
  • Changed default channel order for output so BL and BR appear before SL and SR
  • Warn if a cal file has a Sens Factor entry but the input is not a recognised USB mic
  • On the Distortion overlay graph show the selected parameter in the bottom left corner of the graph instead of in each trace name
  • Added an image capture option to put the measurement name in the image comment and an option to use the measurement name as the default filename for the saved image
  • The legend panel on overlay graphs (including All SPL) can be resized by dragging its top border
  • Added new right click entries for the legend panels of overlay graphs, one to set all selected measurements to a chosen colour, one to save the selected measurements to a file and one to remove the selected measurements
  • Bug fix: SPL & Phase Y axis reverted to SPL when switching to another graph and back
  • Bug fix: The signal generator measurement sweep duration figure may not update correctly to reflect the wave sample rate when configuring a sweep to save to file
  • Bug fix: Control of input volume was always enabled when an input device was selected
  • Bug fix: Scope channel settings popup remained visible after bringing up the trace colour dialog
  • Bug fix: Impulse responses imported from text files were not padded to a power of 2 length
  • Bug fix: RT60 and clarity values did not appear in Overlay graph legends unless the measurements had first each been individually selected in the main REW window
  • Bug fix: Distortion data export as text did not work for stepped IMD measurements
  • Bug fix: Mic cal files entries for Java driver devices using per-channel cal had a redundant "Default input" entry as the last channel
  • Bug fix: Stepped measurements with SPL as the Y axis would generate an exception
  • Bug fix: Switch to double calcs for the input high pass option to avoid rising LF noise floor with high signal levels
  • Bug fix: EQ target match did not properly allow for any crossover filters that had been assigned
  • Bug fix: Typo in multitone NID factor table: 1, 5, 12 should have been 1, 5, 13
  • Bug fix: Array index out of bounds when performing trace arithmetic on measurements with different sample rates if the lower rate measurement has a very long window
  • Bug fix: Room sim reference data assumed room itself does not change (e.g. absorptions) so capturing an image could reset the reference trace to the latest settings
  • Bug fix: Exporting the min phase IR with Apply windows selected did not use the left window setting
V5.20.10 30th July 2022, V5.20.11 4th August 2022
V5.20.10 and V5.20.11 were early access versions of the V5.20.12 release

V5.20.9 25th June 2022
  • Added IMD versus level to the stepped sine test options
  • Distortion overlay graph can now plot overlays for stepped level measurements, provided the selected measurements are all stepped level of the same type (THD or IMD)
  • Added horizontal and DC offset controls to the scope
  • Added buttons to select the colours for the scope traces
  • Added an option to invert the second output channel of the generator
  • Added an RTA distortion settings option to highlight the region that contributes to the fundamental power calculation for THD and THD+N
  • Added a View preference to disable tooltips
  • Added a button on the View preferences to bring up the table of default trace colours
  • Bug fix: Scope trigger level and hysteresis voltage labels did not update when the trigger channel voltage scale changed
  • Bug fix: Stepped level measurements viewed with the "Full scale sine rms is 0 dBFS" option not selected were not plotted correctly on the Distortion graph if the X axis was voltage or power, X axis voltage values were 3 dB too high and power values 6 dB too high
  • Bug fix: Exporting distortion data as text did not work for stepped level measurements with distortion plotted against input rather than against generator level
  • Bug fix: Values entered in the t=0 offset label field and impedance reference cal resistor value field were only accepted if dot was used as the decimal delimiter instead of parsing according to the locale
  • Bug fix: Input/output selection may not have worked properly when two or more interfaces of the same type were connected
  • Bug fix: Individual input traces of a multi-input RTA capture were not drawn with the correct offset when using the dBc axis setting
V5.20.8 22nd May 2022
  • Pro upgrade: Multi-input RTA capture for 2 inputs shows levels and distortion results for both channels and stepped sine measurements can be made on both inputs simultaneously
  • Export impulse response as WAV now allows multiple sample rates to be selected
  • Allow up to 999V for the manual fundamental level in the RTA distortion settings
  • Allow multiple measurements and a delay before the measurement starts when measuring Dutch & Dutch 8c
  • Include signal level in default filenames when saving generator signals to file
  • Generator signals can now be saved to mono or stereo wav files
  • Show a warning if Align SPL is used when the graph Y axis is not SPL since only SPL traces are affected by alignment
  • Widen range of speed of sound setting to go down to 300 m/s to accommodate a bug in some AVRs
  • Show speed of sound preference setting in feet per second if the distance unit is set to feet
  • Added an SPL & Phase graph controls option to normalise stepped level linearity plots to 0 dB at the end of the trace
  • Added an Analysis preference to control whether the IR peak is aligned to a sampling instant (on by default)
  • Bug fix: TD+N results could be incorrect or show NA when using the distortion HP and/or LP limits
  • Bug fix: windowed IR was normalised to itself rather than to the IR peak, so was drawn scaled differently if the IR peak was not within the window
  • Bug fix: Extracting serial number from mic cal file could fail in some circumstances
V5.20.7 22nd April 2022
  • Bug fix: No output from signal generator during stepped sine measurement
  • Bug fix: An array index out of bounds exception could occur when plotting the excess phase trace
V5.20.6 20th April 2022
  • Added support for Dutch & Dutch 8c running V2 software
  • Show noise curves on the RTA even if there is no RTA data to plot, provided the RTA is in 1/1 octave mode and the y axis is SPL
  • Recent UMIK-1 (which have a USB-C connector) have a different volume curve, so the SPL figure shown for them was only correct at the 0 dB gain setting (54% volume on Win10). When an ASIO wrapper is used the volume control is bypassed for these mics, so the input volume correction should no longer be applied. REW now checks the mic serial number to determine the correction to apply.
  • Added an option on the RTA input selection panel to save each channel of a multiple input selection to a separate measurement
  • Signal generator preview now updates for the WAV sample rate when Save to file is selected
  • Added an option to show the frequency bands stripe above the spectrogram graph when the X axis is frequency
  • Added listener position to the room simulator speaker positions list
  • Bug fix: Component model could fail for capacitors if the measurement end frequency was more than 40 kHz
  • Bug fix: Scope CH2 name in title bar did not update when ref input changed
  • Bug fix: The result of the division of imported audio data had a large negative dB offset
  • Bug fix: An array index out of bounds exception could occur when plotting the excess phase trace
  • Bug fix: Signal generator log sweep did not work if the start frequency was greater than the end frequency
  • Bug fix: The alignment tool delay slider text field needs more width on macOS
V5.20.5 19th February 2022
  • Increased the room simulator graph end frequency to 300 Hz, but limited the maximum mode order to the 20th in each axis to keep the UI responsive to changes for very large rooms, which will have a correspondingly lower end frequency for their responses
  • Added a Speaker Positions pane in the room simulator that lists the positions of all the sources
  • Added an RTA distortion setting to choose whether to use the AES17-2015 standard notch for the fundamental power
  • Added a button to the signal generator harmonic distortion panel to set the harmonics in opposite phase to the current RTA distortion values
  • Added buttons to the signal generator harmonic distortion panel to select and deselect all harmonics
  • Added one decimal place to the harmonic distortion levels for the sine generator
  • Added an option to include linearity data in distortion data exports from stepped level measurements
  • Added a couple of seconds of dither at the end of sweep files saved from the generator (if timing reference signals are included)
  • Show that manual SPL calibration is not available if the mic cal file has a Sensitivity figure
  • Added a "Scale overlays" option on the graph image capture dialog to scale any overlay boxes according to the chosen image graph font size
  • Automatically restart the SPL meter, level meters, scope, RTA and signal generator if they were running when a different sample rate was selected
  • Show the CH1 and CH2 input names in the Scope title bar
  • Show 4 significant digits for impedance values
  • Made crest factor minimisation optional for the periodic noise and multitone sequences, since some applications require high crest factor signals
  • On Linux systems test for capability to show cursor on the surface of waterfalls and disable that feature if the system does not support it
  • Bug fix: Predicted measurements generated from imported data (with no IR) did not include predicted phase results
  • Bug fix: When trace offset was adjusted the predicted SPL trace moved twice as much as it should
  • Bug fix: Saving to an existing file did not truncate the file to the size required
  • Bug fix: Response copy did not set the date for the copy
  • Bug fix: If a filter set contained an all pass filter and otherwise had no net gain the all pass was not applied
  • Bug fix: If ASIO is being used but the ASIO input has not been selected and a USB mic is connected an exception would be generated
  • Bug fix: The room simulator responses could be off the top of the graph for very large rooms
  • Bug fix: The RTA noise curve selection could not be changed using the mouse, only using the keyboard
  • Bug fix: When the input options for high pass or invert were selected some components continued to use the unmodified data
  • Bug fix: Estimate IR delay could give an incorrect result if the left hand window was wider than the right hand window
  • Bug fix: The scope full scale lines were drawn in the wrong position when the input full scale was not 1 Vrms
  • Bug fix: The distortion export dialog had different settings to the distortion graph and could give incorrectly scaled results for some settings. It has been made consistent with the distortion graph options.
  • Bug fix: A division by zero error could occur on the Burst Decay spectrogram for small window settings
  • Bug fix: A null pointer exception could occur when adding tails to a smoothed response for minimum phase generation
  • Bug fix: Minimum phase tails did not take account of the effect of smoothing on the minimum valid frequency for the response
  • Bug fix: The RTA graph did not update for some preference changes until the next startup
  • Bug fix: The t=0 offset value field on the SPL & Phase graph control was too narrow on macOS
  • Bug fix: Tones saved from the generator as 24-bit PCM had a 2nd harmonic component at approx -158 dBFS due to biased rounding
  • Bug fix: Tones output from the generator to an ASIO driver that used a 32-bit integer sample format had a 2nd harmonic component at approx -158 dBFS due to biased conversion from float to Int32
V5.20.4 23rd October 2021
  • Added a "Mic in box correction" option in the Measurement actions of the All SPL graph. This is used to produce a measurement whose SPL response has been corrected to allow for it being made using the microphone in box method. The result would usually be merged with a far field measurement.
  • Apply the distortion LP and HP filters (if selected) to TD+N calculations for dual, triple and multitone signals and show the span used in the distortion panel
  • Tweaked the measurement panel layout to allow longer measurement names (about 30% longer)
  • Added support for reading Extensible format WAV files
  • RTA distortion low pass and high pass can range up to 1 MHz
  • Show sample rate in the Scope window title
  • Draw the scope trigger settings info in the colour of the trigger channel
  • Allow stepped sine end frequency up to 192 kHz
  • Show a busy indicator on the Signal Generator while writing long WAV files
  • Added a Graph menu entry and shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+H) to show or temporarily hide the graph cursors
  • Reduce the height of the Export measurement as text dialog on screens that are 800 pixels high or less
  • Bug fix: The test for linearly spaced data in text imports could be too strict for very long data files
  • Bug fix: Frequency response data exported as text could have errors in the 3rd decimal place of the frequency value near the end of very long exports
  • Bug fix: The small text in the RTA levels label did not scale properly when using different font sizes
  • Bug fix: Failing to load an ASIO driver could generate an exception rather than showing a warning message
  • Bug fix: The level meters on the soundcard preferences incorrectly showed an orientation option on right click
  • Bug fix: The tooltip on the SPL meter level bar incorrectly referred to a right click option
  • Bug fix: Changing the "Keep SPL meter on top" View preference could cause a null pointer exception
V5.20.3 2nd October 2021
  • Remember and restore the state of the ASIO secondary output selection
  • Allow smoothing to be applied to RTA data (previously could only be applied to Spectrum data)
  • Added a Resistance trace to the Impedance & Phase graph to show the real part of the impedance
  • Bug fix: If multi-input capture was selected soundcard calibration would stop on the Measure dialog
  • Bug fix: The watermark text field in the View settings was blank after restart
  • Bug fix: SPL values in measurements exported as text only had 1 decimal place
  • Bug fix: Exporting the min phase IR as WAV or TXT would produce an exception if the min phase response had not already been generated
  • Bug fix: The search for D&D 8c speakers would terminate prematurely if a network interface being checked did not support multicast
V5.20.2 25th September 2021
  • Check for mono input data in impedance measurements
  • Check scale of measurement input vs ref input in impedance short circuit calibration to detect invalid results
  • Bug fix: Rinput and Rleads labels and controls could appear on the Measure dialog when measuring SPL
V5.20.1 18th September 2021
  • Pro upgrade
    • Added a chargeable Pro upgrade option which adds features for professional users. The first feature is support for capturing from multiple inputs simultaneously, with rms averaging including adjustable weighting and SPL alignment, up to 16 inputs on the level meters and up to 16 input traces on the RTA. Further features will follow.
  • Scope
    • Added a 2-channel oscilloscope tool
  • Measurement
    • Redesigned the Measure dialog and provided better support for measuring using file playback
    • Added an option on the Measure dialog to make a series of SPL measurements, e.g. when measuring polar responses. The selected delay is applied before each measurement.
    • Added 2M and 4M sweep options, useful for improving signal to noise on high sample rate measurements
    • Added 192 kHz to the list of Java sample rates for all platforms and made changes to improve behaviour at 192k
    • Removed "Wait for timing ref" option on Measure dialog, if acoustic timing reference is being used REW will always wait for the timing ref signal
    • Added a timing offset that is applied to measurements made with a timing reference. The offset can be set manually or from the figure calculated by Estimate IR Delay
    • Acoustic timing reference level control is now a trim rather than an absolute value, the trim is added to the measurement level to get the acoustic ref level
    • Changed behaviour while capturing the noise floor before a sweep measurement. Used to play a 1 Hz sine at -150 dBFS, then stop the generator and start it again to play the measurement sweep. Now dithers the lsb before the sweep starts without having to stop and start the generator. Should help ensure digital inputs are active and locked to the generator before the sweep starts and prevent issues with audio drivers due to rapid stopping/restarting of the audio lines.
    • Added a soundcard input impedance setting on the Measure dialog for impedance measurements
    • Show a warning if the input channels appear to have been swapped for impedance measurements being used for TS parameter calculations
    • Use longer sweeps for soundcard calibration at higher sample rates
    • Added Analysis options to automatically correct any difference between the input and output clock rates when using an acoustic timing reference or when using a loopback as a reference
    • Added manual clock adjustment in the Impulse graph controls
    • Added miniDSP EARS as a recognised USB mic, calibration assumes gain is set to 18 dB on Windows but extracts gain from the device name on macOS and Linux
    • Added support for the Beta Three USB microphone
    • Added support for a sensitivity figure in analog mic cal files. Format is: Sensitivity -12.3 dBFS where the dBFS value is the input level REW sees when the mic sees 94 dB SPL. Note that it will only be valid for the input gain and input volume settings that were used when the sensitivity was measured.
    • Added a control panel for the FlexASIO driver
    • Added a bit monitor for the input data at the bottom of the main window
    • Validated operation at 768 kHz with an RME ADI-2 Pro (though analog loopback measurements roll off from 100 kHz due to the ADI-2 Pro's analog output bandwidth)
    • Allow the maximum number of measurements to be up to 199
    • Add 2 to 3 seconds of 16-bit dither at the beginning of measurement sweep files to ensure playback devices lock to the source before the timing signal starts
    • Initialise the room dimensions for new measurements from the room simulator dimensions
    • REW now saves a temporary copy of each measurement when it is made. On a normal shutdown those temporary copies are deleted, if REW did not shut down normally it will offer to load the temporary files on the next startup.
  • Impedance measurement
    • Implemented a new 3-step impedance calibration process using open circuit, short circuit and reference resistor measurements for accurately removing the effects of input channel gain differences, input frequency response and test lead impedance
    • The impedance ohms axis has been revised to allow the scroll bar to be more useable. It has a range of 0 - 1 kohm in linear mode, for a larger range there is now an option to use a log axis for impedance, which gives a range to 10 Mohm.
    • Added a noise filter option for impedance measurements which applies a bandpass filter that tracks the sweep frequency to help suppress the effect of environmental noise, helpful for driver impedance measurements since drivers are microphonic
    • Added a plot of Equivalent Peak Dissipation Resistance (EPDR) on the Impedance & Phase graph
    • Added a "Component model" button to the Impedance & phase graph controls to derive equivalent circuit values for measurements of inductors or capacitors
    • Added Q (for positive phase) or DF (for negative phase) to the impedance series/parallel overlay box on the Impedance & phase graph
  • Calibration
    • Soundcard calibration measurements check for and correct input/output clock rate mismatch
    • Calibration files for soundcards are now linked to the output device name and the sample rate, the required file will be loaded automatically if the device or sample rate change provided it has been specified
    • Calibration files for input devices (microphones, SPL meters, ...) are now linked to the input device name and the input channel, the required file will be loaded automatically if the device or channel change provided it has been specified
    • All calibration files can be viewed on the Cal Files preferences tab (replaces the Mic/Meter settings tab)
    • The calibration files that will be used for the current measurement can be viewed/changed using the Cal Files... button on the Measure dialog
    • Accept .BKW as a cal file extension
    • When removing delay from soundcard calibration measurements round to the nearest sample, sub-sample delay estimates on soundcard responses tend to be slightly in error due to the reconstruction and antialias filters
  • RTA
    • Allow RTA lengths up to 4M
    • Added an input selection button on the RTA
    • Provide separate buttons in RTA to save current, peak and both traces
    • Added dBu and dBV RTA Y axis options and a level calibration capability
    • Added dBW RTA Y axis option and a control for the reference resistance for the dBW values
    • Added a volts per sqrt(Hz) Y axis option to the RTA to display the amplitude spectral density
    • Added an option to show RTA distortion ratios as either percentages or dB
    • Use a notch filter compliant with the AES17-2015 definition for THD+N results, bandwidth is 1 octave
    • Expanded the RTA IMD results to include Total Distortion + Noise
    • Added RTA figures for Total Distortion + Noise and SNR when using the multitone test signals
    • Added two Dolph-Chebyshev RTA window options, with side lobes 150 dB down or 200 dB down
    • Added a display of the peak sample value in the RTA levels panel
    • Added in-band (22.4 Hz to 22.4 kHz) and out of band (> 22.4 kHz) levels to the RTA levels panel
    • Added a control to select either CEA-2010 or CTA-2034-A max SPL limits on the RTA
    • Added 0% as an option for the RTA max overlap to allow no overlap when beneficial (such as when measuring with rectangular windows)
    • If the RTA update interval is more than 1 second show the percentage progress for the next update on the record button
    • RTA search for fundamental is restricted to the distortion HP to LP span
    • Extended RTA THD figure to include harmonics up to the 50th
    • Added a Higher Harmonic Distortion figure to the RTA showing the contribution of the 10th and higher harmonics
    • RTA peak trace now reflects the highest levels of each block processed rather than the highest level of the averaged trace
    • Added PNC, NCB, NC and NR noise criteria figures to the RTA when it is in one octave mode, with an option to show noise curves on the graph
    • Added options to step in frequency or level to the Stepped Sine dialog
    • Added a stability test for the stepped sine measurement to optimise speed
    • Added a distortion threshold beyond which stepped sine measurements will be stopped. Distortion must drop below the threshold to arm it.
    • Added Alt+T as a shortcut to start/stop the RTA from the RTA window
    • Added 2M and 4M FFT lengths (mainly relevant when using very high sample rates)
    • Added a button on the RTA to open a WAV file for processing, functionality is the same as dragging and dropping a file onto the RTA window
    • Added a Coherent averaging option for the RTA harmonic distortion measurement, non-harmonic content is heavily suppressed
    • Improved the initialisation of the RTA exponential averaging to speed up its initial convergence
    • Added a 9-term minimum side lobe cosine sum window to the RTA, side lobes 235 dB down
    • Added the averages display to RTA graph captures
    • Added an option in the RTA's Distortion Settings to manually specify the fundamental level for harmonic distortion calculations
    • For stepped level measurements the SPL & Phase graph now shows a plot of the input level versus generator level and a linearity plot
    • Clarified in RTA help that the rms input level (and the A and C weighted values) are calculated over the range specified by the distortion LP and HP settings, if either or both are enabled, regardless of the state of the Show distortion button. To make that more apparent the fading out of regions outside the LP and HP span will always be applied, previously it was only applied when the Show distortion button was selected.
    • Added the current sample rate in the RTA window title
  • Signal generator
    • Gave the signal generator a revamp and added a signal waveform preview
    • Level control shows peak level as well as RMS and allows dBFS, dBu, dBV or Volts as units
    • Added fade in and fade out controls to the linear and log sweep signals
    • Added AES17-2015 MD and DFD and TDFD presets to the dual tone signals
    • Added triple tone signals to the generator
    • Added a selection of multitone test signals
    • Added an option to specify signal generator toneburst in ms rather than cycles
    • Added options to specify the period of tone bursts in cycles, milliseconds or samples (binary powers to match FFT lengths)
    • Added CTA-2034-A shaped noise signals
    • Added a jitter test signal
    • Added white random noise
    • Added configurable filter order (from 2nd to 8th) for the custom filtered noise high pass and low pass filters
    • Reduced minimum bandwidth for custom filtered random noise to 1/3 octave or 10 Hz, whichever is greater
    • Reduced minimum bandwidth for custom filtered periodic noise to 10% or 10 Hz, whichever is greater
    • Added octave and one-third octave filtered options for the pink and white random and periodic noise signals with filter type selection of BU2 to BU8 and, for PN, Brickwall
    • Added a filter type selection for the custom filtered pink PN and white PN, with BU2 to BU8 and Brickwall options
    • Full range pink periodic noise now extends below 10 Hz, like the pink random noise. To cut off at 10 Hz use the Custom option.
    • Expanded the dither bit depth choice to cover all values from 16 to 25 bits
    • Changed sig gen level control behaviour for dual tone signals, the level setting now reflects the rms level of the combined signal rather than the rms level of f1
    • Added Float as a format for exported WAV files
    • Show the output device and output in the title of the signal generator window
    • Show up to 2 decimal places for signal generator frequency if required
    • Minimum signal level for the signal generator reduced to -180 dBFS
    • Allow harmonics down to -180 dB on tone generator
  • Waterfall and Spectrogram
    • Added Burst Decay modes to the waterfall and spectrogram
    • Decay, waterfall and spectrogram plots generate automatically when the graph is selected
    • Waterfall frequency resolution figure (to right of window width control) now takes into account the rise time
    • Window width, rise time, slice interval and frequency resolution of the waterfall now appear in the top right corner of the plot
    • Added options in the waterfall graph controls to show or hide the time axis labels, settings label and colour bar
    • Added a right click menu for the waterfall and spectrogram controls to copy and paste settings between measurements
    • Added check boxes on the waterfall and spectrogram controls to enable or disable the automatic regeneration of the plot when settings change
  • RT60
    • Added an RT60 Decay graph with a novel frequency domain approach to RT60 calculation, providing a way to examine reverberation time behaviour at much higher frequency resolutions and with much narrower octave fractions than is usually possible, even at low frequencies
    • Revised RT60 calculation to better cope with longer decays
    • Added filter order selection for the RT60 and Filtered IR graphs, default is 6th order, max is 48th (filters are Butterworth bandpass)
    • Moved the ISO 3382 parameters on the RT60 graph data panel into a separate window
    • Added an export menu entry to export RT60 data for all measurements as text
  • EQ
    • Added equaliser selections for StormAudio, MiniDSP C-DSP 8x12, miniDSP C-DSP 8x12 DL, JL Audio TwK-88, Elder Audio TimeZero2.6D/4.8D, Emotiva RMC-1/RMC-1L/XMC-2, AU N-Band EQ, PerListen Audio
    • Added support for the Dutch&Dutch 8c eq features, including support for measuring using sweep signals generated by the speakers. 8c firmware V1.4.50 or later is required. Select the 8c as the default equaliser in REW's preferences to activate all 8c features.
    • Added a graph of phase and predicted phase in the EQ window
    • Revised the EQ target setting panel to better explain the target types and separate the room curve controls, which can be separately enabled/disabled
    • Added a "Speaker driver" target type with configurable low and high pass crossover filter responses
    • Added LP1 and HP1 filter types to the Generic and miniDSP equalisers to provide first order (6 dB/octave) LP and HP
    • Added shelf filters with adjustable Q for the Generic and miniDSP equalisers. Use Q = 0.7071 for the maximum monotonic shelf slope.
    • Expanded the equaliser selection help to add a table of Q values to use with LPQ/HPQ filters to implement crossovers up to 8th order
    • Added an option to show or hide the filter numbers along the top of the EQ window's filter adjust graph
    • Added an option to export the impulse response with EQ filters applied
    • Added a headroom figure on the filters panel showing the impact of any overall gain in the filter set
    • When exporting filter settings as text use 2dp for frequencies below 100 Hz and 2dp for gain
    • Exported filter impulse responses now start at sample zero rather than sample 2
    • Multiple sample rates can be selected when exporting filter impulse responses
    • Changed the Predicted response on the Filter Adjust graph to use the windowed rather than the full IR
    • Changed the Predicted response on the Filter Adjust graph to reflect the equaliser selection's fixed sample rate rather than adapting to the measurement rate
    • Removed R-DES equaliser
    • Added the equaliser sample rate in the heading of the equaliser selection panel
    • Added a coefficient format selection for the Generic equaliser Save filter coefficients action, with a choice of miniDSP or SigmaStudio formats
    • Added a right click menu to the EQ window target settings panel to copy and paste target settings from one measurement to another
    • Added slope choices from 6 to 48 dB/octave for the Subwoofer and Bass limited speaker targets
    • Added a filter tasks check box to vary the maximum Q above the modal range
    • Added crossover filters to the DCX equaliser option (Butterworth 6, 12, 18, 24, 48 dB/oct, Bessel 12, 24 dB/oct, Linkwitz-Riley 12, 24, 48 dB/oct)
    • Added crossover filters to the Generic equaliser option (Bessel, Butterworth and Linkwitz-Riley up to 48 dB/oct)
    • Added an action in the EQ window target settings panel to create a measurement that has the current target shape
    • Added an action in the EQ window filter tasks pane to create a new measurement from the predicted response
    • Added an action in the EQ window filter tasks pane to create a new measurement from the current filters
    • Software equalisers (currently the Generic, TMREQ and AU N-Band EQ options) now run at the sample rate of the measurement they are applied to rather than a fixed rate
  • Distortion
    • Added a new Analysis preference to apply cal files to distortion results. Applying the cal files provides more accurate results in regions where the fundamental or harmonics are affected by interface roll-offs but also boosts the noise floor in those regions
    • Added an option to plot distortion harmonics at the harmonic frequency rather than the fundamental frequency
    • Use 4 decimal places on Distortion graph for distortion values below 0.01 %
    • When measurements with distortion data are averaged using (A+B)/2 or Vector average their distortion data is also averaged, providing the measurements were made at the same sample rate and with the same sweep or stepped sine settings
  • All SPL/trace arithmetic
    • Added a button in the All SPL graph controls to set t=0 at the IR start for all the currently selected measurements
    • Changed the Merge operation to use the window settings of the B (low frequency) trace rather than the A trace
    • Added 1/A and 1/B as trace arithmetic operations - results will only be valid for measurements made over the full frequency range
    • Allow SPL * impedance or SPL / impedance in trace arithmetic operations, normalising the impedance to the ref resistance for power figures
    • Added an Alignment Tool that allows gain, polarity and delay of a pair of summed measurements to be adjusted with a live preview of the result
    • Added a check box on the merge operation to optionally blend the merge over 1/3 octave either side of the merge frequency
    • Added an RMS average button in the All SPL graph controls, which does the same as the "Average the responses" button
    • Added a dB Average button in the All SPL graph controls that averages the dB values of the selected traces
    • Added buttons on the All SPL controls to save the currently selected measurements to a file, or export them as text, or export their IRs as WAV or txt
    • Added a control in the All SPL graph to adjust the currently selected SPL measurements to a specific average SPL value over a defined frequency span
  • Thiele-Small parameters
    • Implemented the dual added mass method for Thiele-Small parameter estimation
    • Changed the driver motional model in the Thiele-Small parameters curve fit routines to add frequency-dependent compliance using the Ritter three parameter creep model
  • Import/export
    • Added support for importing COMSOL impulse response text files
    • Added support for importing impulse responses that were exported as text
    • Imported impulse responses are padded with additional zero samples before and after the response if the peak is near the start of the response
    • When importing impulse response data from WAV files added an option to import all channels
    • Removed -100 dB lower limit for magnitude values in imported responses
    • Use the current SPL calibration data offset for imported impulse response WAV files instead of a default offset
    • Added an option to export all impulse responses as WAV
    • Added a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+R to export RT60 data for a measurement, filename defaults to RT60_ followed by the measurement name
    • Added a menu entry to export all impulse responses as text
    • Added support for importing text impulse responses with 2-column data where the first column is time in ms and the second is the IR value
    • Added a units selection on the export measurement as text dialog
    • If imported data looks to be accurately linearly spaced in frequency at less than 1 Hz spacing import it as is without resampling
    • A phase column is not included in text exports if the measurement does not have phase data
  • Room simulator
    • Added presets to the room simulator
    • Added buttons on the room simulator to create measurements from the simulator result
    • Added a reference trace on the room simulator graph that captures the current Main position response
    • Added room simulator check boxes to keep the L and R speakers symmetric, or to allow them to be moved as a pair
    • Added room simulator buttons to place the head mid-width or midway between the speakers
    • If the room simulator has left and right speakers the angle between them at the head is shown when the mouse is over the head position
    • Added an image capture button to the room simulator room view panel
    • Added a response capture button to the room simulator panel
    • Added a comment area to the room simulator
    • Added a check box to use the same delay for all subwoofers
  • User interface
    • Added a View preference to set the frequency axis start value between 0.1 Hz and 20 Hz
    • Added Preferences menu entries to set the REW main window to a selection of predefined sizes
    • Improved inter-sample rendering of impulse responses so the waveform retains the same shape regardless of fractional sample offsets, to achieve this the IR is oversampled using a method selected by the new IR oversampler option in the Analysis preferences.
    • Added a View preference to show user-defined watermark text on all graphs and graph captures apart from waterfalls and spectrograms
    • Added a view preference to control whether phase wraps are shown with dashed lines or not at all
    • Added view preferences for keeping the SPL meter, level meters and signal generator on top of other windows
    • Added an option to show the measurement notes in a tooltip when the cursor is over the measurement name in an overlay graph
    • Increased the measurement name field width on wider screens
    • Show more decimal places on the window reference time as it gets closer to zero
    • If the selected measurement is outside the area of the SPL & Phase graph shift the graph to make the measurement visible
    • Added a set of icons for the dark colour scheme
    • Allow up to 200 kHz span for frequency axis
    • Added the input device to the input name shown in the title of the RTA, SPL meter, Scope and SPL Logger windows
    • Added a workaround for a Windows Java bug preventing proper display of Chinese characters in Audio device names, should also help with other non-latin character sets
    • File preview only shows the first measurement for very large MDAT files (>100M)
    • Added Alt+C as a shortcut for the graph capture button
    • Graph capture can now either save the image to file or copy it to the clipboard
    • Expanded graph capture aspect ratio options to include 10, 25 and 50 dB/decade
    • Added a control for trace thickness on the graph capture dialog
    • Added an option to include date and time on graph captures
    • Added an option to capture the graph image in monochrome, using 4 different line styles instead of different colours
    • If a graph capture includes the legend it will only include traces that are on the graph
    • Show the peak input SPL before clipping in the main window status bar
    • Added ASIO sample format display in the status bar. Note that the data bit depth is often lower than the sample format allows, REW shows the detected bit depth for input data based on the data values received
    • Added a display of the cumulative IR shift in the Impulse graph controls
    • Added number of samples to the cumulative IR shift figure in the Impulse graph controls and the IR delay estimate dialog
    • If changing from one graph with frequency as X axis to another keep the cursor at the same frequency (if within the graph span)
    • When highlighting a trace (by placing the mouse cursor over its name in the legend) fade other traces to help it stand out
    • Added an option to show the audio frequency bands above the graph for the SPL & Phase and All SPL graphs
    • Show phase trace in a different hue to the SPL trace and draw it dotted to better distinguish it from the SPL trace
    • Added a control in the Impulse graph to offset t=0 with a live preview of the effect on phase
    • Added a control in the Impulse graph to adjust clock rate with a live preview of the effect on the impulse response and phase
    • Added a control in the Group Delay graph to offset t=0 with a live preview of the effect on phase
    • Added a control in the SPL & Phase graph to offset t=0 with a live preview of the effect on phase
    • Added a button to invert polarity in the SPL & Phase graph
    • Added a control in the SPL & Phase graph to adjust the measurement to a specific average SPL value over a defined frequency span
    • Use indicators above the Impulse graph to show the window reference time and left and right window extents. The markers can be dragged with the mouse to change the window settings. While the mouse button is pressed to drag a marker a preview of the resulting windowed measurement is shown. Window changes are applied to the measurement when the mouse button is released.
    • Moved the control to normalise to a defined peak SPL from the Impulse graph to the SPL & Phase graph
    • Allow multiple Y axis unit types for all relevant graphs (dB SPL, dBFS, dBu, dBV, dBW, V, W)
    • Did away with the plot normalised option for distortion graphs, happens automatically if dBr or percent selected as Y axis
    • To reduce the screen space used by the Waterfall controls the settings for the view and colour scheme have been moved to separate dialogs
    • To reduce the screen space used by the Spectrogram controls the settings for the colour scheme have been moved to a separate dialog
    • To reduce the screen space used by the All SPL controls the trace arithmetic controls and individual measurement actions have been moved to separate dialogs
    • To reduce the screen space used by the RTA controls the settings for distortion and view have been moved to separate dialogs
    • Removed the filtering controls from the Clarity graph, filter settings are controlled from the RT60 graph
    • Added an Analysis preference (selected by default) to use only the right hand IR window width when deciding the minimum valid frequency in the response
    • Added a Trace options button in the controls for most graphs, allowing the trace line types to be changed and, for graphs showing a single measurement, trace colour to be changed and traces to be hidden
    • Added a View option to show minor grid lines on graphs, on by default
    • Added entries in the legend panel right click menu to clear or select all traces from measurements loaded from a particular file
    • Added a file menu entry to remove those measurements loaded from a selected file
    • When saving a set of measurements some of which have come from a single existing file use that file as the default file to save to
    • Changed the options when exiting to warn if there are new measurements that have not been saved and offer to save them to a new file and to list the files loaded that have measurements which have been modified
    • Added an option in the Impulse graph controls to show the SPL graph below the impulse graph, in the same way as it is shown when adjusting the IR windows using the indicators above the impulse graph
    • On SPL & Phase/Impedance & Phase only show the right hand phase axis if a phase trace is selected
    • Added a slider next to the Separate traces button to control the amount of separation, slider is only shown when the button is selected
    • Added calculation of metrics for a range selected by holding the shift key then pressing and dragging with the left mouse button, implemented for SPL & Phase graph and Filter Adjust graph.
    • Show regression line and T60 value on the Filtered IR graph for a range selected by holding the shift key then pressing and dragging with the left mouse button
    • Added a View preference "Scale fonts for display DPI" which allows REW to adapt to high-DPI screens. It is only applicable on Windows and Linux at more than 96 DPI.
    • Adjust icon size on Windows and Linux according to the display DPI
    • Changed the graph zoom button icons
    • Added a "Fit to data" button on the graph limits dialog and a corresponding entry in the Graph menu with a Ctrl+Alt+F shortcut. Fit to data sets the graph axes to show the full span of the data. On overlay graphs the fit covers the span of the selected measurements.
    • Added a button to insert the notes from the current measurement in the comments for graph image captures
    • Added a View preference to show the measurement level on the measurement thumbnails, for new measurements that will use the units selected on the signal generator
    • When a toolbar window is selected via the toolbar button or its shortcut the focus is moved to the primary component for the window, if it has one (e.g. the On/Off button for SPL meter or Generator)
    • The numeric value shown on output level meters is in the units that have been selected on the generator (dBu, dBV, Volts or dBFS)
    • The numeric value shown on input level meters is in the units selected by right-clicking on the meter (dB SPL, dBFS, dBu, dBV, dBW, Volts or Watts)
    • Moved the relative gain and phase panel from below the level meters into its own frame, accessed via the Tools menu
    • Added an option to switch orientation in the the level meters right click popup menu
    • Level meters panel is resizeable in width and height
    • Changed the shortcut for removing smoothing to Ctrl+0 as the previous Ctrl+shift+0 shortcut is intercepted by the OS on some Windows versions including Win 10
    • Added a view preference to control whether changes in the measurements list are animated
    • Improved the Windows & Linux file chooser column width handling, select details view by default, show current path in dialog title
    • On Windows and MacOS use the dark background by default if the OS is set to use a dark theme for apps. If the REW theme is changed using the View preference the choice will be respected regardless of OS settings.
    • Show a warning if the ASIO driver sample rate is not the rate that was requested
  • MacOS
    • Increased audio data timeouts for macOS to accommodate 10.14 Mojave delays in granting access
    • Disabled control of input or output volume from Soundcard preferences on macOS, macOS only permits values corresponding to specific dB increments which vary according to the device and its volume range. Use Audio MIDI Setup to control volume settings.
    • Improved icon resolution on macOS retina displays
    • Fixed the menu on macOS so it stays visible for all REW windows
    • Use the native file dialog on macOS to choose the folder for exporting all measurements as text
    • Set macOS default for always on top window states to false to avoid a Java bug that causes the windows to disappear on restore if the Dock preference "Minimise windows into application icon" is selected
    • Added a View preference on macOS to select if using an AZERTY keyboard to work around a Java bug (JDK-8019498) causing incorrect shortcut key mappings
    • Changed macOS look and feel to FlatLAF to get a properly functioning folder chooser (when not using the native-style macOS file dialog per the View preference)
    • Bug fix: macOS windows that were maximised then iconified before exit would open with zero size on the next startup
    • Bug fix: Added a preference setting for the MacOS REW launcher to be excluded from the "Prefer Tabs" setting on Big Sur and so avoid a Java runtime bug that setting triggers
  • Other changes
    • Allow up to 8 subwoofers in the room simulator
    • Added a button in the Impulse graph controls to set t=0 at the cursor position (also activated by Alt+z when the control is visible)
    • Added a button in the Impulse graph controls to set t=0 at the IR start (also activated by Alt+y when the control is visible)
    • Step response calculation uses the windowed IR (including FDW if applied)
    • Added an option to normalise the step response to the IR peak value rather than the step response peak value
    • Changed the Analysis options for setting t=0 to use either the IR peak, the start of the IR (based on it first exceeding 10% of the peak level) or the estimated IR delay
    • Added a soundcard preference to choose random or periodic pink noise for level checks
    • Replaced the Tukey 10 ms window by a Tukey 0.01 (1%) window
    • Start the SPL meter automatically when it is opened
    • Added an option on Linux to force stereo access to audio interfaces with Java drivers as some interfaces may report they support multichannel at the requested sample rate but may not operate properly
    • Generating minimum phase may now include the effects of any calibration files in the magnitude response used to produce the minimum phase
    • Minimum phase can be generated for measurements which do not have an impulse response (e.g. responses imported from text files), it creates or replaces the phase response with the minimum phase response and gives the measurement a minimum phase impulse response
    • Low and high frequency tails can be added to responses for minimum phase generation
    • Added Ctrl+Alt+M shortcut to show the new Generate minimum phase dialog
    • Added an Analysis preference to choose whether the System delay figure for loopback measurements is based on the relative timing of the measured and loopback IR peaks (the default) or either the estimated IR delay relative to the loopback when the peak is close to the IR start or the estimated IR start time relative to the loopback when the peak is later (limited bandwidth devices). The delay figure for the acoustic timing reference always uses the estimated IR delay/estimated IR start.
  • Installer
    • Changed the installer application name from Room EQ Wizard to REW, affects the program group name and the shortcut name
    • Added option in installers for all OS types to choose how much memory to allocate to REW when it runs, max 1.5 GB on 32-bit versions
    • Windows installers now provide an option to allow multiple instances
    • Added option at end of installer to launch REW
    • Added options in the uninstaller to delete REW preferences and the REW log files directory
    • Added a Windows installer option to disable hardware graphics acceleration if graphics corruption occurs
    • Added a Linux installer option to enable OpenGL if waterfall generation produces an error
    • Windows and Linux installers include a bundled JRE (Azul Zulu Java 8 without Java FX) which will be installed for REW's private use if the system does not already have a suitable Java 8 runtime
    • REW now requires a Java 8 JRE, Java 7 is no longer supported
    • MacOS installers are notarized
    • The macOS installer to install to a directory so that the uninstaller can be included and the roomeqwizard.vmoptions file is more easily accessed
    • The macOS installer is now a universal binary with the Azul Zulu Java 8 runtime
  • Bug fixes
    • Bug fix: If not setting t=0 at IR peak the win ref time was not being reset after estimate IR delay, causing incorrect phase for FDW
    • Bug fix: SPL meter value would stop updating after a measurement if the Levels meter was open
    • Bug fix: Generating a min phase measurement did not take account of any frequency dependent window applied
    • Bug fix: Cal file phase corrections should not be applied to the min phase response
    • Bug fix: ASIO output did not stop correctly with ASIO buffer sizes of 8192 samples or larger
    • Bug fix: UMM-6 volume compensation was incorrect on macOS
    • Bug fix: Stepped sine dialog did not allow 0 dBFS level when the "Full scale sine rms is 0 dBFS" option was selected
    • Bug fix: "Drop small filters" could drop manual filters when using the manual optimisation controls
V5.19 26th August 2018 (revised 27th August 2018 to fix a phase smoothing bug)
  • Audio interface
    • Added 88.2k and 96k sample rates when using Java drivers. Make sure the input and output devices are configured in the OS to operate at the rate selected in REW, otherwise the OS will resample between the selected rate and the rate at which the input or output device is actually running.
    • Added 192k sample rate with Java drivers on Linux
    • 24-bit data is now supported where the JVM makes it available (currently macOS and probably Linux)
    • Multichannel output is no longer limited to 8 channels, allowing use of interfaces with higher channel counts on OS X (and probably Linux). The channel mapping control allows any 8 of the available output channels to be selected for use during measurement.
    • Devices with multichannel input are now supported on OS X (and probably Linux)
    • Added a soundcard preferences control to set the mapping from REW's output channels to hardware output channels and choose the label to use for them
    • Added warning to check mic access is allowed in Windows Privacy settings if the input is not accessible
  • ASIO
    • Added 176.4, 352.8 and 384 kHz to the sample rates allowed for ASIO
    • Added a button to reload the ASIO driver after making changes in the ASIO control panel
    • When using ASIO automatically reload the ASIO driver after the sample rate is changed
    • Allow generator to continue running if ASIO output selection is changed - audio will be interrupted briefly, however
  • Measurement
    • Added an offline measurement capability, import sweep recordings and generate measurements from them
    • Added a stepped sine distortion measurement capability to the RTA
    • Added option to capture spectrum data when making stepped sine measurements, the data can be viewed on waterfall and spectrogram plots
    • Added input selectors to the Measure dialog
    • Play a minimum level sine wave before the sweep starts to help with signal lock for digital connections e.g. HDMI
    • Disabled multiple sweeps selection when using a USB mic
    • Added two protection mechanisms for sweep measurements, abort if excessive input clipping detected or if an SPL limit is exceeded. Both are controlled on the Measure dialog.
    • Added sweep settings information into measurement sweep files saved as WAV to support offline measurement
    • Capture the noise floor before sweep and stepped sine measurements
  • RTA
    • Added A and C weighted input level figures on the RTA
    • When saving RTA data as measurement can now create measurements from current values, peak values or both (previously measurements were created from current values only)
    • Added configurable distortion high pass and low pass filters to the RTA controls to exclude content outside the chosen frequency span
    • Added a dBc axis option for the RTA (dB relative to carrier, mainly used to present data relative to the level of the fundamental tone in the signal)
    • RTA graph images captured with distortion panel showing also include the RMS level panel
    • RTA uses the sig gen frequency as the fundamental if it is playing a sine wave when distortion analysis has been selected
    • Allow THD+N display on RTA even if fundamental frequency is too high to capture any harmonics
  • Signal Generator
    • Added a Tone Burst option to the signal generator
    • Only stop the generator after SPL calibration if the generator was started by REW
    • Added two protection mechanisms for the signal generator, stop if excessive input clipping detected or if an input SPL limit is exceeded
    • Added sample rate and channel selections for the signal generator WAV file export
  • Waterfall
    • Allow up to 501 slices in the waterfall - note that using more slices will increase memory use and the time taken to generate waterfall plots
    • Added a spectrogram-style colour scheme option to the waterfall plot for graduated colours
    • Made the cursor frequency line drawn over the surface of the waterfall more visible
    • Updated the waterfall help for CSD mode to warn that window width should be greater than time range
    • Added window type selector in waterfall controls for imported audio data
  • Spectrogram
    • Added more frequency resolution steps for the wavelet spectrogram
    • Adjusted frequency-dependent windowing filter characteristics to improve wavelet spectrogram resolution
    • Added linear amplitude scale settings for spectrograms (percent of peak or percent of full scale) and a percent full scale log setting
    • Increased time axis resolution of spectrogram plots
    • Revised the spectrogram time span controls to have separate controls for the spans before and after the IR peak
    • Added a frequency axis selector to spectrogram to allow frequency to be on the X or Y axis
    • Added a Fill spectrogram floor control, when selected REW uses the bottom of the spectrogram colour scheme to fill areas that have levels below the floor of the graph
    • Added peak energy time as a separate trace on the spectrogram graph with time values in the graph legend
    • Added window type selector in spectrogram controls
    • Added another spectrogram colour scheme, 'Heat'
    • Added option to use colour bands in spectrogram
    • Added a colour scheme for spectrograms and waterfalls based on Dave Green's cubehelix, see
    • The Y axis zoom out button on the spectrogram graph automatically limits to the full span of the spectrogram
  • EQ
    • Added Outlaw Audio Model 976 equaliser setting
    • When saving filter coefficients to file for Generic equaliser only include enabled filters
    • Added FBQ1000 as new name for DSP1124P
    • Added an option to allow/disallow narrow filters below 200 Hz when matching to target
  • Distortion
    • Added a distortion overlay graph
    • Added a control for the highest harmonic that will be used when calculating THD
    • Show harmonics used in THD calculation in trace name
    • Highest distortion harmonic for sweep measurements changed to 9th, same as RTA
    • Added option to mask distortion harmonics that are below the noise floor (on by default)
    • Removed the harmonic distortion dB SPL readout option when the distortion plot is normalised
  • All SPL/trace arithmetic
    • Added buttons in the All SPL controls to make minimum phase and excess phase versions of a measurement
    • Added a button in the All SPL controls to make a copy of a measurement's response
    • Added buttons in the All SPL controls to time align or vector average all currently selected measurements
    • Added a "separate traces" button for the All SPL graph
    • Trace arithmetic on measurements which do not both have compatible impulse responses are carried out using whatever smoothing is already applied to the measurements
    • Set window ref time for the result IR of a trace arithmetic operation to the time of the peak
    • Trace arithmetic treats inputs as incoherent if they do not both have phase data
  • RT60
    • Added graphs (including overlay) for clarity and definition parameters C50, C80 and D50
    • Added Centre Time (TS) to RT60 plots
    • Added data panel to RT60 graph showing RT60, C50, C80, D50 and TS values
    • Added 50 Hz as a 1/3 octave step for RT60 and Filtered IR
    • Made small improvements to IR start detection for RT60 calculations
    • Added new controls for the filter frequency on the Filtered IR graph, with selection boxes to enable and next and previous buttons
  • Import/export
    • Added options to normalise, apply window and export min phase version to the export impulse response as text dialog
    • Added a dialog to configure settings and preview output when exporting measurement as text
    • Added a dialog to configure settings and preview output when exporting RT60 results as text
    • Added a dialog to preview output when exporting impulse response as text
    • Added delimiter and number format selections to distortion data export settings dialog
    • Added * in front of comment lines in the impulse response text export file and a * Data start comment immediately before the data
    • Trim trailing zeroes when exporting impulse response as text with window applied, but note that the data will be padded with zeroes so the length is a binary power if required
    • Added 352.8k and 384k sample rate options for filter IR export and append sample rate to default filename
    • Added support for 32-bit and 64-bit float PCM data when importing impulse, audio and sweep files
    • If a WAV file being imported has two channels label them left and right rather than 1 and 2
    • Added a menu entry to import audio data files for analysis
    • Removed question about applying inverse C weighting compensation when importing frequency responses
  • User Interface
    • Added a control in the View preferences for the maximum number of measurements (up to 99 allowed)
    • Added a view preference to use thicker traces for averages in overlay graphs (on by default)
    • Improved visibility of data panels and some other elements when using dark colour scheme
    • Made the graph cursor easier to see, especially on high resolution screens
    • State of measurement panel expand/collapse button is remembered for next startup; default for screens of 1200 pixels or less is collapsed
    • Default for showing graph scroll bars on screens of 1200 pixels or less is not to show them
    • Revised trace colour defaults
    • Added units labels to the graph limits dialog
    • Moved Measure menu entry into the Tools menu
    • The currently selected input is shown in the title of the RTA window and the SPL Logger window
    • Added an option to use IEC263 25 dB/decade aspect ratio when capturing graph images
    • Changed graph image capture to render the graph directly at the chosen width rather than scaling from the current width
    • Added a View preference to show or hide the toolbar, hiding it makes more space on low resolution screens
    • Added a welcome message on startup with pointers to initial steps and equipment
    • Changed to Nimbus Look and Feel on Windows to work around JVM crash with Windows 10 Creators update when using system look and feel
    • Changed to Nimbus Look and Feel on Linux
    • Show a scroll bar to the legend panel below the graph if there are more than 6 rows to display
    • Added a scroll bar to the left of the measurement list if the number of measurements is too large for their names to remain visible
    • No longer show measurement notes in tooltip for overlay graph legend selectors (gets in the way)
    • Changed order of info in soundcard cal measurement note so items of most interest appear at end
    • Added a measurement counter that appears in the Help -> About REW dialog
    • Added workaround for Windows Java bug preventing proper display of Cyrillic characters in Audio device names
    • Set tool tip dismissal time to 5 seconds (from 8)
  • Other changes
    • Altered TS parameters optimisation to improve fitting. Data above 10 kHz is now not used for fit.
    • Added Leq traces for the last minute and the last 10 minutes to the SPL logger
    • The delay figure with acoustic timing reference uses IR start time for limited bandwidth measurements (e.g. subwoofers) and the Estimate IR Delay process (cross correlation with minimum phase response) otherwise
    • Allow up to +/-999 dB data offsets
    • Added estimated start time of impulse response to the Info panel
    • Added an entry in the Info panel to track the cumulative time offsets made to the IR since it was measured
    • Allow up to 35 m room dimensions for room simulator and modal analysis
  • Bug fixes
    • Bug fix: SPL meter decay rates were too fast
    • Bug fix: Measurement sweep was 3 dB higher than selected if the View option "Full scale sine rms is 0 dBFS" was selected
    • Bug fix: The level of custom filtered pink noise was affected by the low and high cut filter frequencies even if the filters were disabled
    • Bug fix: Harmonic distortion traces normalised to fundamental were shifted if measurement had an SPL offset applied
    • Bug fix: Incorrect cal data values if a cal file was in csv format
    • Bug fix: Predicted phase did not update when changing impulse t=0 offset
    • Bug fix: Exporting an impulse response that had only a short non-zero portion could result in a file that was all zero valued
    • Bug fix: Spectrogram contour interval was not remembered for next startup
    • Bug fix: Trace arithmetic division on measurements without impulse responses could fail
    • Bug fix: UMM-6 SPL levels varied as input volume was adjusted on Windows 10
    • Bug fix: Filter impulse response export could fail to write file if impulse response was short
    • Bug fix: REW could fail to start if the waterfall time range was out of limits
    • Bug fix: On macOS REW would quit even if Cancel was selected on the unsaved measurement dialog
    • Bug fix: On macOS some windows could have zero size on startup if they were maximised on shutdown
V5.18 4th January 2017
  • Modified frequency response import interpolator to better cope with irregular frequency spacing
  • Added a speed of sound setting in the View preferences
  • Bug fix: Exception could occur with soundcards configured for 6-channel operation
  • Bug fix: Input list was not available if input device had same name as output device
V5.17 26th December 2016
  • Added a timing reference selector on the measurement dialog
  • Append -MP to the filename of exported minimum phase impulse responses
  • Ensure peak in an exported impulse response is at 1 second if the export has only one channel
  • Added a distance units selector to the View preferences
  • Changed default replay buffer for OS X to 16k and generated a new key to reset it to 16k for existing installations
  • Modified combo box UI so that the selection list is wide enough for all items in the list rather than truncating them at the box width
  • Added THD and THD+N figures for the 20 Hz to 20 kHz span to the RTA distortion panel
  • Added command to export filter settings as text to filter tasks pane
  • Changed tool tip position for the graph trace selectors to move them right so they do not obscure the selector check box
  • Added a secondary ASIO output selector to the signal generator
  • Changed filter export to use decimal point as delimiter and remove grouping regardless of locale
  • Added a rePhase equaliser setting, 17 constant Q parametric filters
  • Added multichannel output selection capability, works on OS X (may work on Linux also) but not supported by Windows JRE
  • Added a View preference to show [FDW] in the measurement name if a frequency dependent window has been applied, preference is enabled by default
  • Disabled soundcard calibration when using a USB microphone (it is not applicable)
  • Set lower limit for capture monitor level meters to -60 dBFS (was -50)
  • Updated bundled JRE to 8u102
  • Added input inter-channel relative gain and phase figures to the VU meters panel, active when signal generator is playing a sine wave
  • Added sample rate to excitation description for impedance measurements
  • If a USB mic is selected without having a cal file with sensitivity data loaded the SPL calibration status is cleared
  • If SPL calibration is attempted with a USB mic selected that doesn't have sensitivity data ask for the mic cal file
  • Added an equaliser setting for the Rockford Fosgate 3Sixty.3
  • Added delay info to measurement notes when using loopback or acoustic timing reference
  • Added buttons on the graph to quickly switch between two preset frequency spans that are defined in the View preferences
  • Increased precision of distance readout on zoom box
  • In distortion controls the options to limit norm. to 30 dB below peak and to use harmonic frequency as ref are only enabled when plotting normalised to fundamental as otherwise they have no effect
  • Removed 10 Hz lower limit on white periodic noise
  • Added option to use 64-bit FFT processing on RTA when need to resolve below -160 dBFS, e.g. analysing 24-bit digital data paths
  • Adjusted dual tone f1 level to match the sig gen rms level setting (means clipping occurs if level is set higher than -9 dBFS for 1:1 signals or -6 dBFS for 4:1 signals)
  • Modified RT60 calculation to better cope with responses that have a large initial decay
  • Modified RT60 calculation to cope with responses that are truncated before they reach the noise floor
  • Added a secondary output selector to the measurement dialog when using ASIO drivers
  • Input High Pass filter selection on soundcard preferences was previously only applied for measurements, now applies to any use of the input data
  • If a frequency-dependent window is applied its effect is shown on the windowed IR trace, included in a windowed IR export and trace arithmetic will use the FDW impulse
  • Added a peak trace to spectrum plots
  • Added peak hold and peak decay controls to the RTA window
  • No longer clear SPL calibration status if input changes - temporary changes during startup may have been causing issues for some users
  • Bug fix: Length formatter didn't cope with negative distances when using feet and inches
  • Bug fix: Fractional sample shifts in the IR t=0 position did not update the window reference timing correctly
  • Bug fix: Target match optimiser could fail in some circumstances
  • Bug fix: Cal file loader could fail without an error message if an attempt was made to load a binary file
  • Bug fix: White PN ignored LF Limit when using Custom range
  • Bug fix: Measurements after the first would fail if the Levels panel was displayed
  • Bug fix: valid start freq for measurement was not set correctly when loading a measurement that was smoothed
  • Bug fix: Fixed scaling error on merge B to A when measurements had different SPL calibration offsets
  • Bug fix: Impedance measurements can sometimes be affected by an inter-channel timing difference, possibly related to running the card at a different rate to the REW rate. If a timing difference of 1 sample or less occurs REW compensates for it, if more than 1 sample a warning is shown.
  • Bug fix: distortion data was not generated for first measurement after startup
  • Bug fix: Graph axis selector could disappear when trying to select from dropdown on OS X
  • Bug fix: Schroeder trace on Filtered IR graph was not updated when filtering settings changed
  • Bug fix: With ASIO drivers the timing ref output selector was shown when first opening the measurement dialog even when not using a timing reference
  • Bug fix: RTA and Spectrum traces were drawn 3 dB lower than they should be when the axis was set to dBFS and the View option for "Full scale sine rms is 0 dBFS" was selected
V5.16 21st May 2016
  • Added an equaliser selection for miniDSP 2x4 HD
  • Ref In VU meter is enabled even if ref input is not used for current timing reference setting
  • Bug fix: Input meter was not being turned on for Check Levels on measure panel
  • Bug fix: Soundcard calibration measurement was not setting up sweep start and end frequency properly
  • Bug fix: Playing meas sweep manually from signal generator did not set sweep start and end frequency properly
  • Bug fix: Corrected signal generation on ref output when using loopback timing reference
V5.15 8th May 2016
  • Added an acoustic timing reference option
  • Added a measurement option to wait for the timing reference signal to be detected when using an acoustic reference
  • Added a left/right output channel selector when using Java drivers, meas sweep only appears on selected channel unless using loopback, when it appears on both
  • Rearranged the input and output selectors on the Soundcard preferences panel
  • Added a "Both" option to the output channel selector when using Java drivers
  • Added output selectors on the measurement dialog
  • Added the timing reference mode and timing reference output name to the measurement Info panel
  • Added the output name to the measurement Info panel
  • Start delay is available for both SPL and impedance measurements, relocated the start delay controls below the Start Measuring button
  • Increased range of impedance Y axis to 10k
  • Rearranged the signal generator controls
  • Added output selection to the signal generator
  • Changed signal generator linear and log sweep fade in and fade out to 10 ms (fade in was 8k samples at start freq, fade out was 8k samples)
  • Made the signal generator export filenames more descriptive
  • Removed the confirmation dialog after signal WAV generated
  • Added sample rate, start freq and end freq to default filenames for sweeps saved as WAV
  • Added bit length selection to signal generator WAV export (16, 24 or 32-bit WAV files can be generated)
  • Added option to add timing reference signal when saving measurement sweep as WAV
  • When meas sweep is selected on signal generator start and end frequency spinners reflect chosen sweep start/end rather than being half/double
  • Added a cursor frequency line over the surface of the waterfall plot
  • Added a cursor frequency line over the surface of the waterfall overlay plot
  • Removed the fade to graph colour at the bottom of the spectrogram to better define the lower parts of the plot
  • Restored Violet as the bottom colour for the Rainbow spectrogram colour scheme
  • Added an equaliser setting for the Anti-Mode 2.0 Dual Core
  • Added a display of the CEA-2010 peak level on the RTA graph
  • Added next and previous 1/3rd octave frequency buttons to the CEA burst generator
  • Show CEA peak value in red if any harmonic limits are exceeded
  • Only show CEA overlay on RTA when in spectrum mode
  • Show CEA overlay on saved RTA measurements that have valid CEA data
  • Use smoothed trace as reference for CEA thresholds (was using unsmoothed previously)
  • Prevent long file names from wrapping in the measurement panel
  • Append time of day to end of each line in SPL log files
  • Added option to have SPL logger create a file in the REW logs directory for each day and log to it whenever it runs
  • Added a View preference to use 0 dBFS as the rms value of a full scale sine wave rather than -3 dBFS
  • Reduced lower freq limit of RTA for FFT lengths above 8k
  • Moved file preview generator into a separate thread to avoid delaying display of file dialog
  • Removed redundant check for 0..1 input volume range
  • Bug fix: Drop Small filters used a threshold of 1 dB instead of half the flatness target in some circumstances
  • Bug fix: Apply Windows could fail when the overlays window was being used
  • Bug fix: Loading cal file could fail when using UMIK under Linux
  • Bug fix: Controls in graph axis limits dialog could disappear under some circumstances
  • Bug fix: Var, Psy and ERB smoothing did not work on RTA spectrum trace
  • Bug fix: Spectrogram contours were not redrawn when plot range was changed
  • Bug fix: Frequency axis grid lines were not drawn on floor of waterfall when using linear frequency axis
  • Bug fix: Group Delay was not updated properly when FDW applied
  • Bug fix: Minimum Phase response was not updated when windowing was changed
V5.14 19th December 2015
  • Added option to distortion graph to plot normalised to fundamental
  • Added option to distortion graph to use fundamental level at harmonic frequency instead of at excitation frequency when normalising (per Steve F. Temme "How to graph distortion measurements", 94th AES 1993)
  • Show percentage distortion figures on Y axis of distortion graph when plot is normalised and values are percent
  • Limited span of distortion data plots to 90% of Nyquist to avoid artefacts due to antialias filters
  • Removed the raw measurement trace from the distortion graph, so graph has fundamental, harmonics and THD
  • Added option to show phases of harmonics in the RTA distortion data panel
  • Added option to add harmonic distortion to the sine wave generator output with individual control of level and phase for each harmonic
  • Added ability to save all signal generator signal types to a WAV file
  • Signal generator pink and white periodic noise sequences can be limited to a selected frequency range
  • Added support for audio devices that only provide or accept mono data
  • Improved detection of USB mics on linux
  • Improved detection of port mixers on linux
  • Improved detection of UMIK-1 on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 for English locales
  • Added workaround for generic labelling of UMIK-1 inputs when using ASIO4All
  • Added ability to save generic equaliser filter coefficients to file with selectable sample rate
  • Improved filter sorting for filters that aren't peak or modal when sorting by frequency or gain
  • When changing equaliser, keep as many useful filters as possible
  • Increase range of target level adjustment for Set Target Level to plus/minus 100 dB (from 50).
  • Allowed sweep level down to -60 dB
  • Tweaked optimiser for DSP1124, FBQ2496 etc
  • Changed SPL logger data files to not use digit grouping and have . as the decimal delimiter, regardless of locale
  • Bypass animations when deleting measurements via the keyboard shortcut
  • Changed the View preferences default trace colours behaviour so that changing them does not change the colour of existing measurements
  • Changing the colour of a trace does not change the default colours, default colours are only changed from the View preferences
  • Added a panel to the colour chooser to allow one of the default colours to be selected
  • Allow signal generator sweep start frequency down to 0 Hz (1 Hz for log sweeps) and end frequency up to half the soundcard sample rate
  • Initialise the signal generator sweep frequency and level settings according to the last measurement sweep
  • Added an extra IR windows control to apply window settings to all measurements but keep each measurement's current window reference time
  • Bug fix: SPL logger would not load more than 1000 seconds of data from files using comma as decimal delimiter
  • Bug fix: When using time of day on SPL logger times should wrap at midnight
  • Bug fix: Change file dialog directory handling to accommodate change in behaviour under OS X El Capitan
  • Bug fix: If confirmed removal of a soundcard cal file when using a USB mic the cal file was not unloaded
  • Bug fix: Predicted SPL traces were not updated when measurement offset was changed if measurement had filters
  • Bug fix: Removing several measurements in quick succession could stop further removals
  • Bug fix: Valid start frequency was being set incorrectly when smoothing was applied
  • Bug fix: overlaid data panels (e.g. distortion data on RTA) were rendered badly on OS X
  • Bug fix: When IR peak was not at zero waterfall and spectral decay had wrong start time
  • Bug fix: Corrected USB mic volume control gain mapping for Linux
V5.13 16th August 2015
  • Reverted to requesting 512M RAM on startup, can be increased by editing roomeqwizard.vmoptions in the installation directory if required
  • Added optional frequency-dependent windowing of the impulse response, with default settings in the Analysis preferences
  • Added a psychoacoustic smoothing option
  • Added an Equivalent Rectangular Bandwidth smoothing option
  • Improved the Gaussian approximations in the smoothing algorithms
  • Changed the spectrogram background colour to match other graphs
  • Added an option to normalise the spectrogram plot to the peak level at each frequency
  • Added an option to plot the peak energy arrival time curve on the spectrogram
  • If the peak of an imported impulse response is near (within 1%) of the start or end of the file, rotate the response by half its length. This allows import from packages that put negative time data in the second half of the response
  • Export measurement as text will export unsmoothed, linear spaced measurements at their native resolution. This produces very large files, for many uses it will be appropriate to apply smoothing to a measurement before exporting it, in which case it will be exported at a multiple of the smoothing octave fraction
  • Bug fix: When saving miniDSP filter settings on OS X the filename included the path
  • Bug fix: When starting up with ASIO drivers selected SPL meter calibration status could be forgotten
  • Bug fix: Cursor frequency was incorrect on room sim graph when the graph extended to 10 Hz
  • Bug fix: Graph cursor values did not update when the graph scaling changed
  • Bug fix: Air temperature spinner arrow buttons on Thiele-small parameters dialog did not change temperature
  • Bug fix: Trace arithmetic merge did not work if measurements being merged were imported responses with magnitude data only
V5.12 29th May 2015
  • The Measure dialog now appears on top of other windows
  • The arrow keys can be used to move the graph cursor or (with Shift pressed) the graph itself in pixel increments (click on the graph first)
  • The x and y keys can be used to zoom in (with Shift pressed) or out horizontally and vertically (click on the graph first)
  • Bug fix: When starting up with ASIO drivers the SPL meter could show no audio input available under some circumstances
  • Bug fix: When making a soundcard cal measurement with loopback as timing ref selected the scope Ref Captured trace was from the previous measurement (soundcard calibration measurements do not use the timing reference input)
V5.11 26th April 2015
  • Added cursors to the frequency response plot in the room simulator
  • Added a File menu entry to export all measurements as text
  • Clarified tooltips for waterfall and spectral decay rise time setting
  • Updated graph help topics to reflect latest options in Controls panels
  • Show a warning if a USB mic cal file does not have sensitivity data or there is no cal file for the mic
  • Increase maximum heap size to 1024M on Windows (OS X already using 1024M)
  • If more than 75% of maximum heap is used free up spectrogram secondary image caches
  • Hide the Change Cal... button on soundcard calibration measurements as they do not use cal files
  • Removed the Prevent Multiple Instances option on Windows
  • Bug fix: IR window settings incorrectly rounded to nearest ms
  • Bug fix: If previously selected ASIO device is not available on startup Java device lists were empty
  • Bug fix: If an ASIO driver sent a reset request (sometimes happens after changing sample rate) the audio channels were not reset correctly
  • Bug fix: If RT60 graph was open when making measurements could end up with a filter applied to the measurement
V5.10 14th February 2015
  • General
    • REW now requires JRE7 or later on Windows and Linux
    • REW now requires OS X 10.7.3 or later. The OS X JRE is built in, Java does not need to be installed.
  • New Features
    • Room Simulator
    • Graph that shows distortion with traces for THD and individual harmonics up to 10th
  • Audio interface
    • Added support for ASIO drivers on Windows
    • Input and output devices, channels and volume controls can now be accessed on OS X
    • REW works at 44.1k and 48k sample rates on OS X
    • Added support for USB mics - MiniDSP UMIK-1, Omnimic, UMM-6 - with support for sensitivity calibration data in the mic cal files
    • If REW detects a MiniDSP UMIK-1 USB mic it offers to use it for measurement and prompts to load the cal file. If the USB mic is selected sample rate is set to the preferred value for the mic (48k), capture volume control is set to unity gain value, the Mic/Meter settings are set to mic input, use of other channel as a timing ref is turned off and the SPL readings are calibrated for the mic sensitivity.
    • Changed VU meter labelling to show "In" and "Ref In" for input meters with actual input name/channel in tooltip
  • EQ
    • Added support for ADA PEQ, miniDSP nanoAVR, miniDSP-96k, Emotiva UMC-200, Emotiva XMC-1, waveFLEX DSP A8, Xilica XP2040
    • If a filter set is loaded from an XMC-1 speaker channel the speaker name is shown abbreviated in brackets at the end of the measurement name
    • Increased DSP-30 Q resolution to 0.01, max filters increased to 20
    • Added target setting controls for a rise at low frequencies (a house curve) and a fall at high frequencies
    • Added variable smoothing option, shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X. Using variable smoothing is recommended when generating EQ filters.
    • Made filter optimisation faster
    • Allowed target match to 20 kHz
    • Allowed the bass limited target crossover and the LF cutoff values to be set to 20kHz max (limits were 150Hz and 50Hz respectively)
    • Used the smoothed response for EQ target match when smoothing applied (previously used unsmoothed below 100 Hz)
    • Extended the manual filter optimisation controls to provide separate controls for optimising gain, gain and Q, or gain, Q and centre frequency
  • Graphs
    • Added a control to the Impulse graph to shift the impulse by a time corresponding to an entered distance
    • Added a control to the waterfall plot to select the number of slices, up to 100 (previously fixed at 31)
    • Added a control for the smoothing applied to waterfall and spectral decay plots
    • Added a control to the waterfall and spectral decay plots to operate in "CSD" mode, with the right hand end of the window remaining fixed rather than the whole widnow sliding along the impulse response.
    • Added a control to the waterfall and spectral decay plots to select the rise time of the left hand window
    • Added frequency and time axis markings to the floor of the waterfall plot
    • Allowed waterfall time range up to 9999 ms
    • Added derived and simulated motional and blocked impedance traces on the Impedance graph when TS parameters have been calculated
    • Added a check box to show the modal frequencies for a room on a measurement, requires room dimensions to be entered via EQ window
    • Disabled antialiasing when scrolling graphs to provide faster response to the controls
    • Disabled antialiasing when adjusting waterfall x/y/z/slice sliders to provide faster response to the controls
    • Upper limit of frequency axis adjusts to suit highest end frequency in measurement list or half current sample rate, whichever is higher (min is 30 kHz)
    • Captured graph images include the controls panel and data panel if they are visible (e.g. the RT60 data on the FilteredIR graph, the THD data on the RTA)
    • Changed drawing of phase wraps to use dashed lines rather than solid
  • RTA
    • Added a peak trace to the RTA. Peak is reset by the 'Reset Averaging' button. Not available in Spectrum mode, not saved when RTA measurement is saved.
    • Added calculation of Intermodulation Distortion percentage on RTA when a dual tone signal is playing
    • Added keyboard shortcuts for the RTA buttons for Save (Alt+S), Reset Averaging (Alt+R) and Distortion (Alt+D)
    • Added a smoothing setting for the RTA when in Spectrum mode
    • Added CEA-2010 thresholds overlay on the RTA when the CEA burst signal is playing
  • Signal Generator
    • Added CEA-2010 Tone Burst to the signal generator, to measure results use the RTA with FFT Length 65536 for 44.1k or 48k, 131072 for 88.2k or 96k, Rectangular window
    • Added dual tone signals (SMPTE, DIN, CCIF and custom) to the generator for intermodulation distortion measurements
    • Added sample width selector for dither control on sig gen sine wave generator
  • SPL meter
    • SPL calibration takes into account adjustments of input volume control (if accessible, i.e. input selected in REW)
    • Allowed SPL meter cal figures below 0dB (-180 min) so the meter can be calibrated to read dB FS values if desired
    • Disabled manual SPL calibration when using calibrated USB microphones, unless mic cal file not loaded or cal file does not have sensitivity data
    • Allowed display of SPL log data with up to 7 days span
  • View
    • Order of measurements can be changed by clicking on the currently selected measurement in the measurement list and dragging it up or down to a new position
    • Added a View preference to select a dark colour scheme
    • Added a View preference (on by default) to limit the rate at which the mouse wheel or trackpad zooms the graph
    • Added a View preference (off by default) to save trace colour with each measurement when it is saved
    • Added a View preference (on by default) to enable mousewheel zoom so that magic mouse users can disable it to avoid inadvertent zooming when touching the mouse
    • Modified colour scheme and colour handling to be useable with Windows High Contrast theme
  • Other Changes
    • WAV, AIFF and PCM files can be dragged and dropped onto the REW main window to import them
    • Added a control for a delay (up to 60 s) before the sweep starts
    • Added ctrl+shift+7/8/9 shortcuts for smoothing to 1/12, 1/24 or 1/48 octave
    • Added impulse response export options to export windowed response or minimum phase response
    • Added parallel equivalent impedance display for impedance traces
    • Added sample rate selection for filter impulse response export
    • Added an Analysis preference to set t=0 for imported impulse responses to either the impulse response peak (the default) or the first sample of the imported data
    • Added an Analysis preference setting to limit the max boost from the Mic/Meter and soundcard cal files to 20dB, limit is on by default. SC and Mic/Meter cal traces are translucent in regions where limit is active.
    • Added an Analysis preference to control how much of the IR is retained when a measurement is made, including an option to keep the entire IR
    • Added a zero phase filtering option for the octave band filters used in RT60 and filtered IR calculations
    • File import can now accept .csv files
    • Allow ";" as line comment indicator for imported ASCII files (used by SMAART)
    • Modified TS params model to replace series element Rams by parallel element Lambda_es
    • Show an error message if user attempts to load an mdat file as a mic/meter or soundcard cal file
    • Added a check on soundcard calibration measurements to warn if measurement appears invalid
    • Changed the input type selection in Mic/Meter preferences to clarify when the C weighted SPL meter should be selected
    • Export measurement as text changed to export at twice smoothing factor, or 48 points per octave, or 96 points per octave for REW log spaced data
  • Bug fixes
    • TS parameters calculation could fail for some measurements
    • Problem opening EQ panel with a measurement generated from Trace Arithmetic
    • Target trace in EQ window did not include house curve when there were no measurements loaded
    • Fill filter traces filled the house curve section of the target if a house curve was loaded
    • Corrected DCX2496 centre frequencies
    • Error when trying to upload TMREQ filters from surround or surround back channels
    • Reading filters from AV32R or AV192R with no measurements loaded would fail
    • Exporting filter impulse response as WAV always exported the set from the currently selected measurement regardless of the selection made in the export dialog
    • Hilbert transform had an error that affected envelope calculation
    • SPL logger exported data had dB FS values instead of dB SPL
    • Filtered IR octave band changes did not update predicted EQ trace
    • Prevented auto EQ from trying to match target at frequencies below the lowest filter frequency the equaliser supports
    • Changing a filter type from Modal to PK could result in an incorrect Predicted response
    • Loading stored filter files could give incorrect Q values
    • Scale FR Peak in the Impulse graph changed the ETC scaling
    • Modal resonances SPL threshold filter was applying incorrect level
    • Peak dB figures in modal resonances table did not include mic/meter and soundcard cal corrections
    • RTA one octave and half octave centre frequencies were wrong
    • Exporting RT60 data as text did not use the selected text delimiter
    • Waterfall image captures included the cursor trace on side and back walls even if Include Cursor was not selected
    • Waterfall overlay should not be plotted if it was generated with different settings to the current measurement
    • Corrected SPL averaging from simple arithmetic average to log average
    • Trace arithmetic resultIR window location could be wrong if traces A and B had different impulse response lengths
    • If traceOp was done on SPL and phase data rather than IRs cal corrections were applied twice
    • SPL meter minimum reading was -90 dB FS
V5.00 30th January 2011
  • New Graph Types
    • Phase response, including minimum and excess phase
    • Group delay, including minimum and excess group delay
    • Step response
    • Spectrogram display
    • Impedance measurement & Thiele-Small Parameter calculation
    • Separate windows for Overlays, RTA and EQ adjustments
  • SPL meter changes
    • Full integrating functionality with equivalent sound level and sound exposure level
    • Mic/meter and soundcard calibration corrections included
    • A, C or Z weighting, Fast/Slow responses
    • Logging of SPL, equivalent sound level and sound exposure level
  • Measurement changes
    • Increased max measurements to 30
    • Measurement arithmetic functions, add/subtract/multiply/divide/merge measurement
    • Multiple measurement averages can be generated
    • Added Alt+Up and Alt+Down shortcuts to select the previous or next measurement respectively
    • Mic/Meter and Soundcard cal data are held within the mdat file, the filenames are shown on the measurement panel
    • Mdat files can be dragged and dropped onto the main REW window
    • Both Measurement .mdat files and filter set .req files can be dragged and dropped onto the EQ window
    • The name of the .mdat file a measurement was loaded from or has been saved to is shown next to the measurement thumbnail
    • New measurements and measurements with unsaved changes have their name in blue text in the measurement panels
    • Text exports of measurements are limited to 65,530 rows so data can be pasted into spreadsheets with 64k row limits
  • Calibration changes
    • Mic/meter and soundcard calibrations accept phase as well as SPL corrections
    • Soundcard calibration procedure generates phase as well as SPL corrections
    • Mic/Meter and Soundcard cal full file paths are shown in the Info Panel
    • If, when a measurement which does not contain cal data is loaded, the cal files it used match the current default cal files they are automatically copied into the measurement
    • SPL meter cal allows cal ref values up to 150dB (previous 100dB limit too low in some cases)
    • Cal files and inverse C setting can be changed for measurements after they have been made
    • Allow Cal Data files to be applied to measurements generated from imported impulse responses
    • Cal max increased to 180dB(!)
    • Changed soundcard calibration button title to "Calibrate..."
    • Removed notification dialog when cal data is loaded, dialog only shown if an error occurs
    • Mic/Meter cal file trace is active if "C weighted SPL meter" is selected
    • Removed the ability to use the left channel as a calibration reference (reference measurements on the channel used for measurement are more accurate)
  • Impulse changes
    • Added impulse response delay estimation
    • Added minimum phase impulse generation
    • The IR start time can be offset by a specified time as well as a specified number of samples
    • Added support for impulse response import from AIFF files
    • Impulse Response import from .wav/.aiff/.pcm takes first 256k samples (was 128k)
    • Ensure imported impulse responses are zero-padded out to span at least 1 second
    • Small changes to the format of the IR exported as text to allow easier parsing of the file
    • Frequency response can be displayed (dashed) below the limits of the current IR window settings
  • Waterfall and Spectral Decay changes
    • Waterfall and decay plots were sometimes drawn incorrectly when frequency axis was linear
    • Waterfall and spectral decay minimum window widths reduced to 1ms (from 50ms), min waterfall range reduced to 1ms (from 200ms)
    • Waterfall maximum window width increased to 1500ms, maximum time range increased to 1500ms
    • Decay maximum window width increased to 1500ms
    • Waterfalls of predicted results of EQ can be viewed in the EQ panel
    • Waterfall time range and window settings remembered for next startup
    • Waterfall automatically updated if window or time range are changed
    • Button added to restore default waterfall settings
    • Decay time step and window settings remembered for next startup
    • Decay automatically updated if window or time step are changed
    • Button added to restore default decay settings
  • RTA changes
    • Changed RTA averaging to offer exponential with varying filter factor and a "Forever" linear average
    • Use overlapped FFTs for faster updating at all FFT lengths
    • RTA shows number of averages when using linear averaging
    • Label the fundamental with "1" when showing distortion harmonics on the RTA plot, draw labels on translucent background
    • RTA did not reflect mic/meter or soundcard cal file changes made while it was running
    • The RTA graph showed dB values for the current saved measurement even when the axis was set to dB FS
  • EQ changes
    • The EQ window has a split screen dual graph display, the top graph is like the old Filter Adjust graph, while below that there are plots of either the waterfall for the measurement or the impulse response or a Pole-Zero plot showing modal analysis results. The divider between the upper and lower plots can be moved by dragging it.
    • Added a Modal Analysis feature that determines the frequencies, amplitudes and T60 decay times of the resonances in the impulse response
    • Added support for QSC DSP-30 parametric filters
    • Added support for Crown USM 810 parametric filters, bandwidth specified in octaves
    • Added support for DCX2496 EQ functions ("Bandpass" (which is a parametric EQ filter), 6 and 12dB low and high shelves)
    • Added support for MiniDSP EQ features
    • In the Filter Tasks pane there is a "Match Response to Target" button that uses new algorithms to assign EQ filters to bring the measured response onto the target response (as selected/adjusted from the Target pane)
    • The Predicted results of EQ can be seen on the waterfall and impulse response displays with optional live update as filter settings are changed
    • Predicted results are generated by applying filters directly to the measurement impulse response, when smoothing is applied to a measurement the Predicted trace now correctly shows the effect of smoothing the filtered measurement and the Predicted trace now correctly shows the effect of IR windowing the filtered measurement
    • There is a new Modal (MO) filter type to help targeting modal resonances, it is a convenience for configuring a PK filter to match a specific mode decay time. To match any particular mode RT60 time the filter bandwidth needs to be adjusted whenever the filter gain is changed, when the "MO" type is selected and the required RT60 time dialled up REW will control the bandwidth to match the gain you select, and alter the bandwidth if you adjust the gain.
    • Added a "Predicted Phase" overlay group showing the effect of the filters on the phase response
    • Added options to fill the filter responses, show individual filter responses and fill the individual responses on the filter Adjust graph page
    • Removed the Equaliser menu, equaliser selection is via the EQ panel
    • Equaliser selection is per measurement, different measurements can have different equaliser types
    • Changing EQ type did not realign internal filter settings to match ranges and resolutions of newly selected EQ
  • EQ Target changes
    • Added LF Cutoff and LF Slope controls for Subwoofer and Full Range target shapes to define lower limit of extension
    • Allow bass limited lower cutoff down to 5Hz with steps of 5Hz
    • Allowed -180 .. 180dB as Target level
  • EQ Filters panel changes
    • Added a button on the filters panel to open a filter set file
    • Filter set .req files can be dragged and dropped onto the EQ filters panel
    • Added "Always On Top" checkbox on EQ filters panel
    • Took filter sort key and direction selection out of Equaliser settings and put them on filters panel, added bandwidth and area sort keys
    • EQ controls accelerate when arrow buttons held down
    • Allow 2dp for Q on "Generic" equaliser setting
  • Smoothing changes
    • Show the smoothing octave fraction in the trace legend for traces that have smoothing applied
    • Modified smoothing shortcuts to toggle smoothing on/off if already smoothed to the chosen octave fraction to get around Vista and Win 7 use of the ctrl+shift+0 clear smoothing shortcut
    • Added 1/6 octave smoothing shortcut ctrl+shift+6
    • Improved fractional octave smoothing speed (approx 40 times faster)
    • Added 1/48 octave as a smoothing step (used for data converted to 96PPO)
  • Graph changes
    • Graph image captures can include the title of the graph and show whether smoothing has been applied
    • Added options in the Save Graph Image dialog to include the graph legend, graph title, a line of text to appear under the title and choice of JPEG or PNG image types
    • Graph cursor shows level as well as frequency
    • Automatic trace highlighting when the mouse cursor is placed over the trace legend name. This changes the trace plotting order so that the highlighted trace is drawn last, on top of all others, and with a translucent background to help it stand out. Particularly useful for overlay plots.
    • The individual data points in many of the graphs may be shown when the trace is zoomed in sufficiently (this can be turned on/off via "Show Data Points" controls where available)
    • Changed thumbnail start freq annotation to be actual start or 20Hz (start of thumb) whichever is higher
    • When showing deltas on zoom box show all time deltas with equivalent distances and if the graph has a second Y axis show y deltas for both axes
    • Legend values go blank when cursor is outside the range of the measurement
    • Better display of full spread of data values when zoomed out
    • Added Ctrl+Left Arrow, Ctrl+Right Arrow and Ctrl+1, 2,... shortcuts to select next graph type, prev graph type or a specific graph type (Cmd+1,2,... under OS X)
    • Modified behaviour of graph extents dialog so that changing just one extent value only affects that one setting
  • OS X changes
    • Measurement .mdat and filter set .req files are associated with REW
    • The About, show settings and exit menu entries are not added under OS X, handled instead through the OS X application menu
    • Changed the shortcut key strokes on OS X to use cmd instead of ctrl
    • Added a View Preferences option to use OS X-style file dialogs under OS X (enabled by default)
    • Use Lucida Grande font on OS X
    • Added REW V5 icons
    • Added a flag in Comms Settings to enable Midi comms, disabled by default under OS X as some Macs crash on Midi access
    • Set system property false to prevent startup crash on OS X Tiger
    • Audio generation modifications to eliminate glitches at the beginning of sweeps on OS X or if using Java Sound Audio Engine for output
    • Added check box for OS X to force big endian output data for PPC
  • Windows changes
    • Measurement .mdat and filter set .req files are associated with REW
    • Use Segoe UI font on Vista and Windows 7
    • Added REW V5 icons
    • The dll for serial comms under Windows is copied to the Java directory by the installer to fix failed copy under Vista or Win7
    • Desktop shortcut is created by the Windows installer
    • Added a View preferences option to prevent multiple instances of REW starting up, which occurs (under Windows) if double-click on .mdat or .req files when REW is already running.
    • Prevented REW sometimes being muted on startup
  • Linux changes
    • Use Metal Look and Feel to prevent start-up exceptions
  • Other changes
    • Frequency responses can be converted to logarithmically spaced data at 96 points per octave if this uses less memory than linearly spaced data, provided the associated check box is selected in the Analysis settings (it is selected by default)
    • Moved to faster FFT library, JTransforms
    • Speeded up ETC generation
    • Modified the check levels routine on the measurement panel to use subcal for sweep end < 300Hz, spkrcal for sweep that includes 500..2000Hz or a custom pink that spans the sweep range otherwise
    • File previewer shows delta frequency and data length for MLSSA .frq files
    • MLSSA .frq exports limited to 32k samples
    • Added an Analysis setting to select between setting the zero time for the impulse response at the peak of the impulse or at the first point the response goes above 1% of peak energy (10% of peak level)
    • Added an Analysis setting for sub-sample timing adjustment of the impulse response when setting t=0 at the IR peak or using left as ref, on by default
    • With the addition of the phase & group delay plots absolute time becomes important, so a loopback on the unused channel can be used as a timing reference for the measurement (selected via an Analysis setting)
    • Added the ability to use either channel as a timing reference for the other
    • Allow semicolon as value separator in imported data
    • Changed default interpolation for house curves to logarithmic
    • Frequency response export as text is compatible with FRD format
    • Allow semicolon as value separator in imported data
    • Added a check box in soundcard settings to invert the captured input
    • Text size in Settings panels help and main help follows font size in View settings
    • Removed "Peak Index" from the measurement info and added the time at which the peak occurs
    • Show confirmation dialog if about to overwrite an existing file
    • Added automatic check for newer version on startup, with entries in Help menu to enable/disable startup check and to check manually
    • Changed default frequency for sine wave generator to 1kHz
    • Changed "Settings" to "Preferences"
    • Changed signal level warning level thresholds to -30dB for "low" and -40dB for "very low" (were -20 and -30)
    • Added a help chapter on Minimum Phase
    • Added workaround for Java bug in file chooser that can cause null pointer exception under Windows if an icon is not found
    • Changed REW icon and splash image
V4.11 10th March 2008 New features
  • Level of sweep on left ref channel adjusted to get ref input to -6dB FS
  • System delay measurement compensates for measurement bandwidth for sweep end frequency >= 200Hz
  • Added label to show distance equivalent to the System Delay
  • Data import tolerates a mixture of decimal delimiters
V4.11 Bug Fixes
  • Start time of captured data on scope plot was incorrect when using left channel as ref
  • Meters were not being disabled properly when sig gen or spl meter stopped
  • When REW was used with a Creative X-Fi the signal generator would only work once
V4.10 8th March 2008 New features
  • Added spectrum and RTA displays
  • Added RT60 graph and added RT60-related traces and info on Impulse graph, can export RT60 data as text via the file -> Export menu
  • Added low crest factor pink and white Periodic Noise sequences to the signal generator, with ability to save PN sequence to a WAV file
  • A left channel loopback connection can be used as an automatic calibration reference, selected via the soundcard settings as an alternative to using a soundcard cal file
  • Added an Analysis Settings option to calculate the response of the reference channel when using a left channel loopback as the ref, response is shown in the soundcard cal trace
  • When using the left channel as a calibration reference the system delay is estimated and shown in the Details panel of the measurement info, if the cursor is hovered over the value the equivalent distance in metres and feet is shown in a tooltip
  • Measurement start frequency can now be specified, measurements starting at >= 20Hz use a measurement signal that begins at half the start frequency, sweeps starting below 20Hz have an initial linear sweep from DC to 10Hz then log from 10Hz to the end
  • Added Analysis setting to enable IR Decimation, reducing sampling frequency of the IR for low frequency measurements to greatly reduce data size (as much as 30 times for measurements up to 200Hz) and increase processing speed
  • Added a Clip indicator in the SPL Meter to warn of clipping on the input
  • Inverse C weighting correction is not applied below 5Hz
  • Logarithmic interpolation is applied between data points in mic/meter calibration files
  • Added option in house curve settings to use logarithmic interpolation between data points
  • Added image size tags to the help file images for faster and more accurate loading
  • Restored the graph showing the A/B/C weighting responses in the Mic/Meter settings help
  • Revised startup system property setting to help appearance on Mac
  • Improved fractional octave smoothing of traces
  • Added Ctrl+Shift+1 and Ctrl+Shift+2 shortcuts for full and half octave smoothing respectively
  • Allowed file import to handle numbers with digit grouping
  • Improved quality of graph JPEGs when JPEG is larger than original graph
  • Improved speed of preview thumbnail for image files in file chooser
  • Settings panel no longer set to Always On Top
  • Clear Peaks action only enabled when there is a list of peaks found to be cleared
  • Changed default for using thick traces on Mac to false (causes very poor drawing performance)
  • Updated R-DES EQ setting to allow 5 filters
  • Changed wording on check/set levels combo box to choose sub or main speaker
  • Show unsaved channels in exit warning dialog on separate lines
  • Allow data import files to have .txt, .dat and .frd extensions and remember the import file name independently of other text files
  • Sweep settings now defaults to expanded so new users are aware settings are there
  • Disabled trace labels are drawn in system disabled colour
  • Zoom/measure box shows units in delta values, time deltas also show equivalent distance in metres and feet
  • Impulse response window defaults in Analysis settings are remembered for next startup
  • Removed LaF selection from the View settings, defaults to System LaF
  • Improved cursor readout on graphs so maxima are returned
  • Added dither option for sine gen output
  • Added controls for replay and record buffer settings
  • Made a new icon for the EQ filters button
  • Simplified the SPL meter (removed tracking and harmonic levels) and incorporated it in the toolbar
  • Changed VU meters to show Left and Right instead of just Input
  • Added impulse response envelope (aka ETC) to the Impulses graph page
  • Enabled auto calculation of IR envelope when trace selected & removed "Generate All ETC" button
  • Measurements pane updates while data files load
  • Progress bar updates when calculating IR envelopes (ETC curves), smoothed envelopes or octave filtered results
  • Added Schroeder integral to Impulse Controls graph group
  • Added View settings to set the font size for the interface elements and the graph axes (applied after restart)
  • Moved the REW log files into a folder called "REW"
  • Changed the impulse start (zero) time to be first point response exceeds 10% of the peak amplitude (1% of peak energy)
  • Octave filters can be applied to measurements using the control on the Impulse graph page, traces are drawn with dashed lines if a filter is active
  • Shortened graph names
  • Show EQ icon for .frq files in file chooser
  • Transferred additional waterfall controls to graph panel
  • Added individual enable buttons for the x, y and z waterfall perspective controls
  • Waterfall and LF Decay plots now cover full range of measurement, 96 points per octave with 1/24th octave smoothing
  • Waterfall plot walls have depth shading
  • Changed LF Decay to Spectral Decay
  • Changed "Load measurement" and "Load filters" to "Open measurement file" and "Open filter file", use "O" in corresponding shortcuts instead of "L"
  • Changed log file location on Mac to ~/library/logs/REW
V4.10 Bug Fixes
  • Corrected index entries in spl meter and sig gen help TOC
  • Sweep end freq was not checked against samplerate/2 when sample rate changed
  • Changing sample rate while sig gen was running would stop sig gen from working
  • Exported frequency responses could have digit grouping applied and would fail to re-import
  • Bass management internal filter cutoff was reset to 80Hz when changing the bass mgmt slope
  • Restored ability to control Java Sound Audio Engine volume from wave volume spinner
  • Impulse response calc would fail if the captured data was all zeroes (can happen if the input volume is set to zero)
  • Averaged Trace stroke type was not updated according to View settings
  • "Freq tracks cursor" in signal generator was not limited to generator min (10Hz)
  • Impulse response export of measurement or filter set didn't list latest measurement
  • Third harmonic distortion value was always displayed as <0.01%
  • Filter BW in Hz display was incorrect after the BW setting was changed
  • SC Cal and Mic/Meter cal trace labels are now drawn in disabled color if cal files not loaded
  • SPL meter could lock up if data returned from soundcard was all zeroes while tracking a generator frequency
  • The selected y Axis type was reset when changing between graph groups
  • Corrected the scaling of energy-time curves
  • Fixed an error in the .frq export format
  • Various GUI updates to correct layout and formatting problems on Mac
V4.00 22nd January 2007
A great deal has changed from V3.29 to V4, far too much to list everything here. The key changes are:
  • User interface revised to make it much less cluttered and more measurement-centric
  • Measurement by log sweep only
  • Sweep lengths of 128k, 256k (default), 512k or 1M samples
  • Multiple sweeps per measurement with synchronous pre-averaging
  • Impulse respose plots can be normalised or absolute and can be plotted inverted
  • The default soundcard selections from the OS can be used
  • 800 x 600 screens are supported
  • Target response allows selection of 12 or 24dB/octave crossover slopes
  • Filters can be sorted by frequency, magnitude or Q
  • Graph plotting has been improved for smoother trace rendering and better colour saturation
  • Mouse wheel can be used to zoom in/out on graphs
  • Save graph as jpeg uses lower compression for higher quality images
  • Filter settings exported as text include the coarse/fine frequency values for the DSP1124P
  • Added file preview information for WAV, jpg, gif and png files in file chooser
  • Added an approximation of the R-DES parametric filters
V3.29 2nd Feb 2006
  • Impulse response import now accepts WAVE files as well as .pcm files. Format must be Signed PCM, with 16, 24 or 32 bits per sample. If the file is multi-channel can choose which channel to import
  • Impulse response export now offers choice of 16, 24 or 32 bits per sample with/without normalisation and allows two channels' responses to be exported as a stereo WAV
  • Added controls to the Impulse Response Controls page to re-scale the impulse response to achieve a desired peak SPL figure in the frequency response
  • Added selector to display the full range Energy-Time Curve in place of the impulse response with adjustable smoothing
  • Changed shortcuts to allow Alt+1,2 etc to select the channel, Ctrl+1,2, etc to select graph group and Ctrl+Shift+3 to apply 1/3rd octave smoothing. The number for each channel appears in the channel's tab
  • Shortened the default names for the surrounds to SL, SR, SBL, SBR (use Restore Default Names to apply them) so that the tabs fit within the default width of the app on startup
  • Added an SMS-1 equaliser setting
  • Added an overlay capability to the waterfall plot with variable transparency
  • Added measurement notes for each channel accessed via View -> Measurement Notes or by right clicking on a channel's tab in the filters pane. Notes are saved/restored with measurement data sets and are also shown in italics in the tool tip for each channel's tab in the filters pane and in the file chooser preview for mdat files.
  • Filters tab text is black if channel has data, grey if not
  • No longer restore initial mute states on exit to avoid possible feedback loop if Line In was not muted in replay volume before startup
  • Bug Fixes
    • IR window extent lines were drawn one pixel offset to the right
    • Spectral Decay and Waterfall data were not cleared when a new data file was loaded
    • Incorrect limits checking on some of the values of the Set Extents dialog
    • Trace generation could produce index out of data range
    • Help topic link broken for bfd midi configuration
V3.28 16th Jan 2006
  • Added File menu entries to load and reset a "House Curve" to define the desired target response shape - typically used to define a boost for the lower part of the subwoofer range
  • Added a field to show the bandwidth in Hz of parametric filters
  • Added renaming of channels by right clicking the tabs in the filters pane, names remembered for next startup
  • Speaker type and cutoff settings in the filters panel are remembered for the next startup
  • Settings used in the Set Extents dialog are remembered for the next startup
  • Added Ctrl+3 as a shortcut for applying one-third octave smoothing to current channel, with corresponding entry in the Analysis menu
  • Added 1/2 octave as a smoothing step in the Trace Smoothing selections
  • Made the fractional octave smoothing much faster
  • C-1 icon now shown by spectral decay and waterfall plot trace values if generated data has C weighting compensation applied
  • Measurement info now states ETF5 PCM Impulse Response if IR was imported from a pcm file
  • Changed default freq axis setting for the Filter Adjustment group to logarithmic
  • Cal files and imported data files can now have any extension, though default is to show files with extension .cal in the cal file dialog and .txt in the import data dialog
  • Added preview to the .pcm file chooser
  • Added a cancel option to the 'load mdat file' confirmation dialog
  • Paths to mic/meter and soundcard cal files are remembered after cal data has been cleared
  • Added a help entry listing all the keyboard shortcuts
  • Added note to soundcard calibration help to turn off C weighting compensation when making check measurement with loopback connection
  • Removed serial port selection menu for non-Windows systems
  • Don't force graph axis min extents on new sweep measurements
  • Bug Fixes
    • Wizard would not close if an audio input device had never been selected
    • Stepped sine measurements did not work
    • ctrl+shift+S was assigned to saving measured data set and sending channel filters to unit, sending filters to unit changed to ctrl+shift+F
    • Measurement info in data summary was changed when Apply Windows was used
    • Spectral decay and waterfall plots were cleared when Apply Windows was used
    • Trace smoothing factor was common to all traces, should be independent
    • Cursor line on back wall of waterfall was sometimes slightly offset from correct position
    • Pressing Cancel on the Set Target Level progress dialog did not cancel the procedure
    • The exported filter impulse response included filters which were disabled
V3.27 22nd Dec 2005
  • Impulse responses shown as absolute dBFS and %FS values rather than normalised to the impulse peak value. Y axis settings on the IR controls page are updated after each measurement to suit typical impulse magnitudes for the measurement range
  • Baseline for dB plots moved to -180dB
  • Now render to intermediate images to get rid of the sluggish cursor movement when viewing complex plots like waterfall and impulse responses
  • Default for waterfall antialias changed to on
  • Added z slider to waterfall controls to adjust perspective effect
  • Added button, menu entry and shortcut (ctrl+shift+J) to save the graph image as a jpeg
  • Aux channel now always labelled "Aux" (was "Sub2" for equalisers other than TMREQ)
  • Added Measurement Averaging graph group allowing averaging of frequency and impulse responses
  • BUG FIX: Final slice of waterfall could have old data in it after regenerating the plot
  • BUG FIX: Waterfall numeric display was always from left channel
  • BUG FIX: Warning message that "Impulse peak is not where it should be" could appear when it should not
V3.26 18th Dec 2005
  • New features
    • All 20 filters of an FBQ2496 can be set up
    • Added a Low Frequency (10Hz to 750Hz at 48k sample rate) Spectral Decay plot, providing a 2D view with the t=0 response plus 8 slices at configurable spacing with configurable slice window width
    • Added a Low Frequency Waterfall plot (also 10Hz to 750Hz) providing a 3D view over a configurable time period with configurable window width for each slice. Note that for comparable results to ETF 5 waterfalls, use a window width that is 1.4 times the ETF gate time.
    • Added an Oscilloscope-style plot to show the generated sweep and the captured data as time-based plots (static view of captured signals, not live data)
    • Added fractional octave smoothing for frequency response traces
    • ETF *.pcm impulse responses (exportable from Full Range measurements) can now be imported (allows the Low Frequency Spectral Decay plots and Waterfall plots to be generated from the data)
    • Each channel's impulse response and the impulse response of the channel's filters can be exported as 16-bit mono WAV files
    • Added a new Generic equaliser type, mainly for use in generating filter impulse responses for export. Offers parametric, low pass, high pass, low shelf, high shelf and notch filters with centre frequencies from 10Hz to 22kHz in 0.1Hz steps.
    • Cursor position now shown at bottom right corner of graph when cursor within the graph area
    • Impulse response windows can now be offset from the impulse peak using the Window Ref Time control in the impulse response controls graph group. The position of the window ref is shown by a vertical dashed red line, the window extents are shown by vertical dashed black lines. If the ref or the extents are changed, the new window extent is shown by a highlighted region on the graph until the new values are applied to the response
    • Soundcard tab added to filter panel, shows measurement results for soundcard including -3dB points, flatness and 1kHz distortion figures
    • Added a View menu entry to show the filenames of the mic/meter and soundcard calibration files, if loaded
    • Check box added to each multi-channel graph group to offset the traces from one another
    • Dragging the mouse with the right button pressed shows deltaX and deltaY measurement cursors as well as drawing a zoom box. To zoom to the dragged area, click within the box when text underneath indicates this is allowed, any other action dismisses the box.
    • Added a "Delete channel data" option to the analysis menu, deletes all measured data for the current channel
    • Added a button to set the graph axis extents to manually entered values
    • Added a "trace offset" spinner for each channel that shifts the trace vertical position in steps of 0.1dB. The data values are not affected, only the position on the graph. To apply the offset to the data values, use the "Add to Data" button. Note that data generated from a sweep will revert to its original level if the "Apply Windows" button on the Impulse Controls is used as this recalculates the frequency response.
    • Lowest frequency of measured data derived from sweeps is set according to width of windowed impulse to exclude invalid data for frequencies whose period is less than the window width
    • Measured and Corrected traces for data which has had inverse C weighting applied show a "C" icon next to the value on the graph traces
    • The frequency resolution corresponding to the current impulse response window width (Pre ref plus post ref) is shown on the Impulse Response Controls graph page
  • Useability Enhancements
    • Selection of graph groups has been added to the view menu with associated Alt+1/2/3 etc shortcut keys
    • Reformatted SPL Meter and Signal Generator to better match single channel operation, selection of input channel provided via radio buttons on the SPL meter, Signal generator signals are on both L and R output channels, VU Meters changed to a mono version
    • Control for post-impulse window duration and Apply Windows button are accessible on the Filter Adjustment page as well as the Impulse Response Controls page
    • Expanded text in warning messages for soundcard cal and target level setting
    • Further revisions to the input/output calibration procedure and accompanying help text, changed measurement level setting to simplify it and remove dependence on input cal (now done before input volume setting), changed input vol setting procedure to use the Wizard's signal generator as the cal signal source
    • Improved action of axis scroll bar sliders, especially at high zoom levels. Arrow buttons move 1% of span, clicking in track moves half of span (min 5Hz, 500us).
    • Graph axis settings (range & position) for each trace group are now independent of one another, and for the impulse response groups there are two independent sets of settings, one for the dB axis and the other for %
    • Added 0.1 and 0.2 as Y axis grid steps and allowed higher zoom levels
  • Other Improvements and Changes
    • Longer settling time for measurements of Target Level
    • Modified the measurement sweep to extend down to DC to improve accuracy and remove windowing artefacts from impulse responses. Upper end of sweep can go to half the sampling rate.
    • Default shape for pre-impulse window changed from Rectangular to Hann
    • Default impulse window limits changed to 500ms post, 10ms pre (but pre impulse time increased when end frequency of sweep is below 1000Hz
    • Corrected name of Hann window
    • Default Y axis for impulse response plots changed to dBFS
    • Dialogs centred on graph area
    • When tracking is active rms numeric and bar displays on SPL panel show the DFT reading
    • Soundcard measurement can be selected/viewed like other measurements
    • Moved selection of peak data table display from graph menu to view menu
    • Harmonic distortion displays are disabled when harmonics of the frequency being tracked exceed half the audio sampling rate
    • Graph upper limit changed to 30kHz
    • Signal generator upper limit changed from 20k to half soundcard sample rate
    • Limit find peaks upper frequency to 500Hz (detection unreliable at higher frequencies and 500 is already beyond the range of modal resonances correctible by EQ)
    • Warn if peak input level of a measurement is low
    • Warn if soundcard cal file sample rate does not match current sample rate
    • Catch a NullPointerException during init that can occur if the Windows theme is not supported by the JRE
    • Tweaked the trace colors
    • Menu entries for reading/downloading filer settings moved from "Unit" menu to "Equaliser" menu, Unit menu deleted
    • Plotting of measured and corrected data and filter responses revised to ensure extrema always shown regardless of freq axis scale
    • The Wizard only adjusts axis settings on the Filter Adjustment page to frame new measurements, and then only if the current range does not encompass the new measurements. It will not alter the axis settings on any other graph pages.
    • No longer force linear freq axis for measurements ending at 200Hz or below
    • Start Frequency spinner is disabled for sweep measurements (not used, sweeps start at DC)
  • Bug fixes
    • Some files using comma as decimal delimiter were wrongly imported (cal files and data files)
    • Graphing of measured traces was broken during manual and stepped sine automatic measurement
    • Input vol setting could give incorrect result and leave vol at max or min
    • X axis Zoom out button did not work when slider was on right edge
    • Spl axis top/bottom levels sometimes not set correctly to encompass measurement
    • Bottom horizontal grid line was sometimes not labelled
    • Track Cursor would try and update generator frequency when X axis was not frequency
    • Graph trace tooltips were not being displayed
    • Manual Measurement and Auto Measurement buttons were not disabled during auto measurements
    • Apply Windows button in Impulse Controls group was sometimes not enabled when it should have been
V3.25 30th Oct 2005
  • BUG FIX: Fixed obfuscation problem that stopped measurement data sets saved with 3.23 or 3.24 being loaded again
  • BUG FIX: Find peaks would not locate any peaks when run on loaded measured data sets
V3.24 30th Oct 2005
  • BUG FIX: Fixed broken links in help files
  • BUG FIX: Set Target Level did not run unless cal had not been done on input or output
V3.23 28th Oct 2005
  • Warnings about overwriting filter settings and measured data only given if there are settings or data to be overwritten
  • Use antialiased rendering on zoom cursor and zoom box (if selected in Graph menu)
  • Revamped the graph traces display to provide multiple groups of traces chosen via a drop-down box in the graph panel
  • Line colour/style for traces is shown next to trace name
  • Removed "lin"/"log" indicator at RHS of graph Y axis, now shows "Hz" or "s" instead
  • Added units indicator at top of Y axis
  • Added display of impulse responses, normalised to the peak value
  • Added display of the window used when calculating frequency response
  • Only use CZT for 0.1Hz response resolution when end Freq 1kHz or less, above that use conventional FFT for 0.183Hz resolution
  • Cut size of all channels 10Hz to 20kHz sweeps mdat file from 37M to 10M
  • Reduced RAM usage, peak now 76M when all 9 channels have been used for 10Hz to 20kHz sweep measurements
  • Added export of Impulse Response data as text
  • Added support for FBQ2496 with Midi setup, only 12 (of 20 possible) filters per channel in this release
  • Added progress monitors during Midi downloads
  • No longer capture and process the left channel for sweep measurements, all calcs are relative to the stimulus
  • Added support for soundcard cal file with menu entries to measure response, load and reset the cal data and save a measurement as cal data
  • Cal file responses are drawn across centre of graph regardless of graph Y axis position
  • Traces for mic/meter and soundcard cal are only enabled (and so can only be selected) when a file has been loaded
  • Removed the loopback indicator and the menu entry to enable loopback
  • Removed the SPL Limiter check box and associated functionality
  • BFD Pro (DSP1124P or FBQ2496) can have filters from any channel downloaded (previously was only sub or sub2), with choice of whether to send the filters to the left or right bank
  • Setting measurement level has been revised, should be much easier to handle now
  • Setting input volume control and calibrating the SPL meter reading have been separated, can cal the reading independently after setting the input volume
  • Making measurements (and setting target level) are allowed even if the input level has not been set, SPL cal has not been done or measurement level has not been set - get a once-per-session warning message
  • Connections message for target level only shown once per session
  • Dutch help files removed (too far out of date)
  • BUG FIX: loading a set of measured data would give null pointer exception if there was no measured data for the current channel
  • BUG FIX: Exporting measured data as text would report "No measured data" from sweep measurements
  • BUG FIX: Corrected numerical ill-conditioning in biquad magnitude calc for very high Q and low Fc
  • BUG FIX: Set Target Level could set a level outside the allowed range of the target level spinner
  • BUG FIX: Setting Target Level chooses sub or speaker cal depending on speaker type selected for the channel, prev only used sub cal on the Sub channel
  • BUG FIX: Setting measurement level chooses sub or speaker cal depending on speaker type selected for the channel, prev only used speaker cal
V3.22 30th May 2005
  • Measurement Changes
    • Added support for microphone/meter calibration files, compatible with the ETF5 cal file format
    • Added graph trace showing response of mic/meter cal including C weighting when selected
    • Changed to using Chirp Z Transform after impulse response extraction to allow arbitrary frequency intervals in response curves. Frequency interval is 0.1Hz for spans up to approx 2kHz, increases according to span above that reaching 1Hz for a full 10Hz to 20kHz sweep.
    • Added control for the period over which the impulse response is analysed to produce the frequency response. Default is 600ms, adjustment is in 50ms steps. If the frequency response appears noisy, try reducing the window period.
    • Impulse responses are saved as part of saving a set of measured data
    • In exported measurement data the frequency and spl values are now separated by a single space (used to be a comma and a space)
    • Now accept space as well as comma and tab as delimiters in imported data files
    • Made the sweep measurement clipping warning more sensitive
    • Removed the 2.5dB offset that was applied when importing calibrated ETF LF data as it is no longer needed for data exported from current versions of ETF5
    • Changed recommended input sensitivity for AV processor input from 2V to 0.5V - most soundcard output levels are too low for a 2V input, resulting in high volume settings.
    • BUG FIX: C-weighting compensation was not being applied for sweep measurements
    • BUG FIX: Overall response level for sweep measurement was offset if measurement level was not -18dB
  • User Interface Changes
    • Find Peaks results now shown in a table with ability to sort columns ascending or descending by clicking in header
    • Added extra file menu entries to save or load a single channel of filters instead of all channels at once, ctrl+S and ctrl+L now call up the single channel save/load of filter settings, ctrl+alt+S/ctrl+alt+L save/load settings for all channels
    • Customised the file chooser dialogs to show the roomeqwizard icon for .req, .mdat and .cal files
    • Added custom file preview to file chooser dialogs, for .req files shows Wizard version, EQ type, notes and whether file has one or all channels; for .mdat files shows Wizard version, notes and data summary for each channel; for .txt and .cal files shows first 16 lines of text. Notes no longer displayed in a popup after loading a file.
    • Moved the options for Allow doubled filters and Drop filters if < 2dB into the Equaliser menu
    • Swapped the positions of the Sig Gen panel and the Filter panel
    • Split the command button panel into one part for measurement controls, one for filter optimisation controls
    • Moved the Y axis scrollbar under the axis zoom buttons
    • Added 0.5dB per division as the new minimum vertical grid step
    • Changed the Filters+Bass Mgmt trace to Filters+Target
    • Unit menu items to read filters and read speakers are only enabled when TMREQ is selected as the equaliser and the OS is Windows
    • Repositioned prompts for spl and measurement level cal to appear over graph window
    • Moved the file entries for writing filter settings and measured data as text into an export submenu, exporting filter settings now exports the current channel only rather than all channels
    • No longer automatically present dialog to export measured data in text format after a measurement
    • If choose not to exit with unsaved data the dialog to save all measured data is presented
    • Made new zoom button icons, slightly increased button sizes to suit
    • Give a warning the first time filters are loaded in a session to say any existing settings will be overwritten
    • The warning that loading an MDAT file will overwrite existing data is only given the first time the option is used in a session
    • Message about connections and volume level only shown before the first measurement in a session
  • Other Changes
    • The RS232 serial comms dll is only copied across on Windows platforms
    • Allow master gain control via the wave spinner if the Java Sound Audio Engine is selected for replay (workaround for Mac platforms with limited JavaSound implementation)
    • If the Wizard cannot find an exact port mixer match for a selected soundcard device it will fall back to using any port mixer it can find (workaround for old Soundblaster Live cards)
V3.21 15th May 2005
  • Logarithmically swept sine measurement added, complete response measurement now typically completes in less than 10 seconds
  • Added "Sweep" as a step in the Auto measure to activate log sweep measurement
  • Removed the linear/log sweep buttons in the signal generator, replaced them with separate entries in the sig type box
  • Added graphical level meters in the signal generator panel
  • Allow the generic OS soundcard drivers to be selected even if they offer no controls, may mean the Wizard can be used on platforms that do not have full JavaSound support or with sound cards that do not offer full drivers
  • Allow the control panels to scale up as window size is increased
  • Revised the action of the frequency scroll bar to provide finer control at high zoom levels/small spans
  • Improved filter optimisation for BFD Pro
V3.20 8th May 2005
  • Added distortion displays to SPL Meter panel, showing levels of 2nd and 3rd harmonics of the test frequency. Rearranged the panel to suit, also rearranged the signal generator panel a little to keep appearance consistent
  • Added graphical level meters in SPL Meter panel to fill some empty space :)
  • Tweaked the SPL limiter loop to reduce settling time
  • Bug fix: SPL calibration value was not being saved if the soundcard had no input volume control
  • Added help index files in English and Dutch help directories and links to the index and home page at the bottom of each help file - mainly to provide links back to somewhere central for the web version of the help pages
  • Added notes on optimiser Q/BW limits in filter adjustment help
V3.19 2nd May 2005
  • BFD Pro can now be set up over a Midi connection
  • Added a "Comms" menu, put COM port and Midi input and output port selection in there
  • Tweaks to helptext for unit.html, equaliser.html, soundcard.html, welcome.html (link to download site for J2SE V5.0 for Max OS X), avpcomms.html
  • Tweaks to the English help text for makingmeasurements.html, inputcal.html, filteradjustment.html
  • New helptext files added: comms.html, bfdcomms.html
  • "Generate Soundcard Debug File" added to the Soundcard menu to generate a text file with debug info following reports of problems with some multi-channel soundcards (RME 9632)
  • When the equaliser is BFD Pro the Aux tab is renamed to Sub2
  • Fixed a bug that caused wrong measurement values to be recorded when the SPL limiter was active
V3.18 23rd April 2005
  • State of Invert Filters check box remembered for next startup
  • Prevent rounding of left/right frequencies to scroll bar step size when zooming
  • Typo corrected in filterpanel help
  • Expanded Equaliser help to add control ranges
  • Use 46.875kHz sample rate for BFD Pro filters
  • Elaborated on connections in dialogue for setting measurement level
  • Corrected typo in dialogue for calibrating SPL meter and made clear it uses the internal AV processor speaker cal signal
  • Extra debug for sig gen in event of problems opening or writing to the replay device
V3.17 13th April 2005
  • Allowed measurement over any frequency range within 10Hz to 20kHz (upper limit was 1kHz)
  • Revised text below Automatic Measurements button to allow room for higher frequencies
  • Fixed bug in measurement progress indicator at small spans with log steps
  • Corrected BFD Pro bandwidth control and updated Equaliser help accordingly
V3.16 12th April 2005
  • Fixed bug preventing Surr B R speaker setting and filters from being read
  • Fixed bug when reading or writing filters for all channels
  • Minor update to Filter Adjustment help text to allow for BFD Pro filter setting differences from TMREQ settings
V3.15 10th April 2005
  • Show 1dp on cursor frequency when span very small
  • Update graph immediately when choosing to replace existing measurements
  • Improve operation of zoom in via freq axis button
V3.14 9th April 2005
  • Added support for the BFD Pro. The equaliser (TMREQ or BFD Pro) is selected via a new Equaliser menu.
  • Added scroll bars for the graph axes
  • Added logarithmic step options for the measurement step
  • Moved filter reset to the Equaliser menu, added an option to reset all filters in all channels, added shortcut keys ctrl+del and ctrl+shift+del
  • Ceiling channel renamed as Aux with 12 filters allowed
  • Zoom selection box is now shaded
  • Variable zoom with middle button no longer centres graph on cursor
  • Replaced the SPL axis grid control by zoom buttons
  • Moved the lin/log freq axis button to the right hand end of the axis
  • Fixed a zoom bug when span became less than 1Hz
V3.13 beta 29th March 2005
  • F1 key now assigned to the help file corresponding to user's language (was assigned to English help)
  • Build number added to version in Help -> About
  • Style sheet for help now common for all languages
  • Percentage font sizes replaced by relative to work around JavaHelp bug
  • Pink noise filter coefficients now update correctly after sampling rate change
  • Corrected background colour of SPL axis span control and bass management cutoff control for systems not using white as background
V3.12 beta 27th March 2005
  • Catch added for any errors during startup
  • First version packaged with installer
V3.11 beta 25th March 2005
  • Background of SPL meter shown red if input is not calibrated
  • Loopback correction is disabled if it exceeds 20dB, indicator turns red
  • Extended graph area zoom capabilities to provide zoom to area on right button, centre and variable zoom on middle button, variable zoom without centering by using right then left.
  • COM port selection in Unit menu only offers ports that exist when the Wizard starts up